.. meta:: :description: Retrieve information about AWS EC2 instances. .. _ec2_instance_info_module: ec2_instance_info -- List EC2 instances ======================================= Retrieve information about AWS EC2 instances. Examples -------- .. code-block:: yaml+jinja - name: List all EC2 instances ec2_instance_info: register: result - name: List a specific EC2 instance ec2_instance_info: ids: i-0c79884ded545df1a register: result - name: List several EC2 instances according to their name tag ec2_instance_info: names: - app-server - db-server register: result See Also -------- .. seealso:: - :ref:`ec2_instance_module` Parameters ---------- ami (optional) ID of the AMI used to launched the instance | **type**: str auth (optional) Parameters for authenticating with the AWS service. Each of them may be defined via environment variables. | **type**: dict access_key (optional) The AWS access key ID. If not set, the value of the AWS_ACCESS_KEY environment variable will be checked. Mutually exclusive with *profile*. | **type**: str profile (optional) The name of the AWS profile configured with ``aws configure``. Can be used instead of explicitly specifying your access credentials and region. Use ``default`` to use the default profile. Mutually exclusive with *access_key* and *secret_key*. | **type**: str region (optional) The name of the AWS region. If not set, the value of the AWS_REGION environment variable will be checked. If you set a *profile* that specifies a default region, that region is used and you can omit this parameter. Use this parameter to override the profile's default region. | **type**: str secret_key (optional) The AWS secret access key. If not set, the value of the AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable will be checked. Mutually exclusive with *profile*. | **type**: str url (optional) The URL to the AWS service related to the resource. By default, this is automatically determined through the region parameter. If not set explicitly, the value of the AWS__URL environment variable will be used. The services currently supported are EC2 and S3. | **type**: str filters (optional) Filters to use when querying AWS resources. They must be provided as key/value pairs. Keys and values are case-sensitive and must be strings. Each key can have multiple values, provided as a list. Within these values, *any* value must match for the AWS resource to be included. When multiple filters are provided, the result contains AWS resources matching *all* of them. If a filter is specified in ``filters`` and also in another top-level parameter, the filter in the top-level parameter has precedence. The two are not merged. If a module accepts a top-level parameter for querying the AWS resources, and you also specify the filter it corresponds to via ``filters``, the top-level parameter has precedence. | **type**: dict ids (optional) Perform the operation for the specified resources. | **type**: list names (optional) Limit the results to the resources with specified names. | **type**: list states (optional) Limit the results to EC2 instances in the specified states. By default, the module includes instances in all states except ``terminated``. This parameter cannot contain ``terminated``, as terminated instances are treated as absent. | **type**: list | **default**: ['pending', 'running', 'stopping', 'stopped', 'shutting-down'] subnet (optional) ID of the subnet where the instance is running. | **type**: str type (optional) Type of the EC2 instance. | **type**: str Return Values ------------- object (success), complex, An object representing the EC2 Instance. id (always), str, i-841b9271gd ID of the EC2 instance. launched_at (always), str, 2020-04-15T08:08:40+00:00 The time when instance was launched. type (always), str, a1.xsmall EC2 instance type. ami (always), str, ami-0343ab73df9eb1496 ID of the AMI used to launched the instance. vpc (always), str, vpc-129385ns2s2 ID of the VPC containing the instance. subnet (always), str, subnet-14hs85ns83hg ID of the subnet containing the instance. availability_zone (always), str, az-use-1 ID of the availability zone for the instance. security_groups (always), list, ['sg-27fhs72gs922f'] IDs of security groups associated with the instance. network_interface (always), str, eni-2dfr38df335 ID of the instance's primary network interface. secondary_network_interfaces (always), list, [] IDs of the secondary network interfaces attached to the instance. key_pair (always), str, my-key-pair Name of the key pair to be used when connecting to the instance. tenancy (always), str, default The instance tenancy setting. monitoring (always), str, detailed CloudWatch monitoring mode for the instance. on_instance_initiated_shutdown (always), str, terminate The behavior when shut down is initiated from the instance. state (always), str, running State of the EC2 instance as reported by AWS.