alliedtelesis.awplus.awplus_lldp_global (1.2.2) — module

Manages attributes of AlliedWare Plus Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)

| "added in version" 2.10.4 of alliedtelesis.awplus"

Authors: Darryl Anne Alang

preview | supported by network

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install alliedtelesis.awplus:==1.2.2

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: alliedtelesis.awplus
      version: 1.2.2


Manages attributes of AlliedWare Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP).

Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# Using merged
# Before state:
# -------------
# aw1#show lldp
# LLDP Global Configuration:                [Default Values]
#   LLDP Status ............... Disabled    [Disabled]
#   Notification Interval ..... 5 secs      [5]
#   Tx Timer Interval ......... 30 secs     [30]
#   Hold-time Multiplier ...... 4           [4]
#   (Computed TTL value ....... 120 secs)
#   Reinitialization Delay .... 2 secs      [2]
#   Tx Delay .................. 2 secs      [2]
#   Port Number Type .......... Port-Number [Port-Number]
#   Fast Start Count .......... 3           [3]

- name: Merge provided congfiguration with device configuration
      holdtime: 10
      enabled: True
      reinit: 3
      timer: 10
    state: merged
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# After state:
# ------------
# aw1#show lldp
# LLDP Global Configuration:                [Default Values]
#   LLDP Status ............... Enabled     [Disabled]
#   Notification Interval ..... 5 secs      [5]
#   Tx Timer Interval ......... 10 secs     [30]
#   Hold-time Multiplier ...... 10          [4]
#   (Computed TTL value ....... 100 secs)
#   Reinitialization Delay .... 3 secs      [2]
#   Tx Delay .................. 2 secs      [2]
#   Port Number Type .......... Port-Number [Port-Number]
#   Fast Start Count .......... 3           [3]

# Using replaced
# Before state:
# -------------
# awplus#show lldp
# LLDP Global Configuration:                [Default Values]
#   LLDP Status ............... Enabled     [Disabled]
#   Notification Interval ..... 5 secs      [5]
#   Tx Timer Interval ......... 10 secs     [30]
#   Hold-time Multiplier ...... 10          [4]
#   (Computed TTL value ....... 120 secs)
#   Reinitialization Delay .... 3 secs      [2]
#   Tx Delay .................. 2 secs      [2]
#   Port Number Type .......... Port-Number [Port-Number]
#   Fast Start Count .......... 3           [3]

- name: Replaces LLDP device configuration with provided configuration
      holdtime: 4
      reinit: 5
    state: replaced
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# After state:
# -------------
# awplus#show lldp
# LLDP Global Configuration:                [Default Values]
#   LLDP Status ............... Disabled    [Disabled]
#   Notification Interval ..... 5 secs      [5]
#   Tx Timer Interval ......... 30 secs     [30]
#   Hold-time Multiplier ...... 4           [4]
#   (Computed TTL value ....... 120 secs)
#   Reinitialization Delay .... 5 secs      [2]
#   Tx Delay .................. 2 secs      [2]
#   Port Number Type .......... Port-Number [Port-Number]
#   Fast Start Count .......... 3           [3]

# Using Deleted without any config passed
# "(NOTE: This will clear all configured LLDP module attributes)"
# Before state:
# -------------
# aw1#show lldp
# LLDP Global Configuration:                [Default Values]
#   LLDP Status ............... Enabled     [Disabled]
#   Notification Interval ..... 5 secs      [5]
#   Tx Timer Interval ......... 10 secs     [30]
#   Hold-time Multiplier ...... 10          [4]
#   (Computed TTL value ....... 100 secs)
#   Reinitialization Delay .... 5 secs      [2]
#   Tx Delay .................. 2 secs      [2]
#   Port Number Type .......... Port-Number [Port-Number]
#   Fast Start Count .......... 3           [3]

- name: Delete LLDP attributes
    state: deleted


    - merged
    - replaced
    - deleted
    default: merged
    - The state the configuration should be left in
    type: str

    description: The provided configuration.
        description: Enable LLDP operation. Initial value is False.
        type: bool
        description: Set the fast start count for LLDP-MED. Range from 1 to 10. Initial
          value is 3.
        type: int
        description: The value to be multiplied to the transmit interval to give the Time
          To Live (TTL) value that is advertised to neighbors. Range from 2 to 10. Initial
          value is 4.
        type: int
        description: Enable non-strict LLDP-MED TLV order checking. Initial value is False.
        type: bool
        description: The minimum interval between LLDP notifications. Range 5-3600. Initial
          value is 5.
        type: int
        - ifindex
        - number
        description: The type of port identifier used to enumerate LLDP MIB local port
          entries. Initial value is 'number'.
        type: str
        - The value of reinitialization delay, which is the minimum time after disabling
          LLDP on a port before it can reinitialize. Range from 1 to 10. Initial value
          is 2.
        type: int
        description: The time interval between regular transmissions of LLDP advertisements
          to neighbors. Range 5-32768. Initial value is 30.
        type: int
        description: The minimum time between transmitting LLDP advertisements due to
          a change in LLDP MIB content. Range 1-8192. Initial value is 2.
        type: int
    type: dict


  description: The resulting configuration model invocation.
  returned: when changed
  sample: "The configuration returned will always be in the same format\n of the parameters\
    \ above.\n"
  description: The configuration prior to the model invocation.
  returned: always
  sample: "The configuration returned will always be in the same format\n of the parameters\
    \ above.\n"
  description: The set of commands pushed to the remote device.
  returned: always
  - lldp reinit 7
  - lldp faststart-count 7
  type: list