ansible.builtin.combine (v2.16.0) — filter

combine two dictionaries

| "added in version" 2.0 of ansible.builtin"

Authors: unknown

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Install with pip install ansible-core==2.16.0


Create a dictionary (hash/associative array) as a result of merging existing dictionaries.


    description: The list of dictionaries to combine.
    elements: dictionary
    required: true
    type: list

    description: First dictionary to combine.
    required: true
    type: dict

    default: false
    description: If V(True), merge elements recursively.
    type: bool

      append: append newer entries to the older ones
      append_rp: append newer entries to the older ones, overwrite duplicates
      keep: discard newer entries
      prepend: insert newer entries in front of the older ones
      prepend_rp: insert newer entries in front of the older ones, discard duplicates
      replace: overwrite older entries with newer ones
    default: replace
    description: Behavior when encountering list elements.
    type: str


  description: Resulting merge of supplied dictionaries.
  type: dict