ansible.builtin.generator (v2.16.5) — inventory

Uses Jinja2 to construct hosts and groups from patterns

| "added in version" 2.6 of ansible.builtin"

Authors: unknown

Install Ansible via pip

Install with pip install ansible-core==2.16.5


Uses a YAML configuration file with a valid YAML or C(.config) extension to define var expressions and group conditionals

Create a template pattern that describes each host, and then use independent configuration layers

Every element of every layer is combined to create a host for every layer combination

Parent groups can be defined with reference to hosts and other groups using the same template variables


    - The C(name) key is a template used to generate hostnames based on the C(layers)
      option. Each variable in the name is expanded to create a cartesian product of all
      possible layer combinations.
    - The C(parents) are a list of parent groups that the host belongs to. Each C(parent)
      item contains a C(name) key, again expanded from the template, and an optional C(parents)
      key that lists its parents.
    - Parents can also contain C(vars), which is a dictionary of vars that is then always
      set for that variable. This can provide easy access to the group name. E.g set an
      C(application) variable that is set to the value of the C(application) layer name.

    - A dictionary of layers, with the key being the layer name, used as a variable name
      in the C(host) C(name) and C(parents) keys. Each layer value is a list of possible
      values for that layer.

    - ansible.builtin.generator
    - generator
    description: token that ensures this is a source file for the 'generator' plugin.
    required: true