ansible.builtin.win_stat (v2.3.3.0-1) — module

returns information about a Windows file

| "added in version" 1.7 of ansible.builtin"

Authors: Chris Church (@cchurch)

stableinterface | supported by core

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Returns information about a Windows file

Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Obtain information about a file
    path: C:\foo.ini
  register: file_info
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# Obtain information about a folder
- win_stat:
    path: C:\bar
  register: folder_info
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# Get MD5 checksum of a file
- win_stat:
    path: C:\foo.ini
    get_checksum: yes
    checksum_algorithm: md5
  register: md5_checksum
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- debug:
    var: md5_checksum.stat.checksum
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# Get SHA1 checksum of file
- win_stat:
    path: C:\foo.ini
    get_checksum: yes
  register: sha1_checksum
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- debug:
    var: sha1_checksum.stat.checksum
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# Get SHA256 checksum of file
- win_stat:
    path: C:\foo.ini
    get_checksum: yes
    checksum_algorithm: sha256
  register: sha256_checksum
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- debug:
    var: sha256_checksum.stat.checksum


    - The full path of the file/object to get the facts of; both forward and back slashes
      are accepted.
    required: true

    default: true
    - Whether to return the checksum sum of the file. Between Ansible 1.9 and 2.2 this
      is no longer an MD5, but a SHA1 instead. As of Ansible 2.3 this is back to an MD5.
      Will return None if host is unable to use specified algorithm.
    - This option is deprecated in Ansible 2.3 and is replaced with C(checksum_algorithm=md5).
    required: false

    default: true
    - Whether to return a checksum of the file (default sha1)
    required: false
    version_added: '2.1'
    version_added_collection: ansible.builtin

    - md5
    - sha1
    - sha256
    - sha384
    - sha512
    default: sha1
    - Algorithm to determine checksum of file. Will throw an error if the host is unable
      to use specified algorithm.
    required: false
    version_added: '2.3'
    version_added_collection: ansible.builtin


  description: Whether anything was changed
  returned: always
  sample: true
  type: boolean
      description: attributes of the file at path in raw form
      returned: success, path exists
      sample: Archive, Hidden
      type: string
      description: The checksum of a file based on checksum_algorithm specified
      returned: success, path exist, path is a file, get_checksum == True checksum_algorithm
        specified is supported
      sample: 09cb79e8fc7453c84a07f644e441fd81623b7f98
      type: string
      description: the create time of the file represented in seconds since epoch
      returned: success, path exists
      sample: 1477984205.15
      type: float
      description: if the path exists or not
      returned: success
      sample: true
      type: boolean
      description: the extension of the file at path
      returned: success, path exists, path is a file
      sample: .ps1
      type: string
      description: the name of the file (without path)
      returned: success, path exists, path is a file
      sammple: foo.ini
      type: string
      description: if the path is ready for archiving or not
      returned: success, path exists
      sample: true
      type: boolean
      description: if the path is a directory or not
      returned: success, path exists
      sample: true
      type: boolean
      description: if the path is hidden or not
      returned: success, path exists
      sample: true
      type: boolean
      description: if the path is a symbolic link or junction or not
      returned: success, path exists
      sample: true
      type: boolean
      description: if the path is read only or not
      returned: success, path exists
      sample: true
      type: boolean
      description: if the path is shared or not
      returned: success, path exists
      sample: true
      type: boolean
      description: the last access time of the file represented in seconds since epoch
      returned: success, path exists
      sample: 1477984205.15
      type: float
      description: the last modification time of the file represented in seconds since
      returned: success, path exists
      sample: 1477984205.15
      type: float
      description: the target of the symbolic link, will return null if not a link
        or the link is broken
      return: success, path exists, file is a symbolic link
      sample: C:\temp
      type: string
      description: The MD5 checksum of a file (Between Ansible 1.9 and 2.2 this was
        returned as a SHA1 hash)
      returned: success, path exist, path is a file, get_md5 == True, md5 is supported
      sample: 09cb79e8fc7453c84a07f644e441fd81623b7f98
      type: string
      description: the owner of the file
      returned: success, path exists
      sample: BUILTIN\Administrators
      type: string
      description: the full absolute path to the file
      returned: success, path exists, file exists
      sample: C:\foo.ini
      type: string
      description: the name of share if folder is shared
      returned: success, path exists, file is a directory and isshared == True
      sample: file-share
      type: string
      description: the size in bytes of a file or folder
      returned: success, path exists, file is not a link
      sample: 1024
      type: int
  description: dictionary containing all the stat data
  returned: success
  type: complex