ansible.builtin.command (v2.4.0.0-1) — module

Executes a command on a remote node

| "added in version" historical of ansible.builtin"

Authors: Ansible Core Team, Michael DeHaan

stableinterface | supported by core

Install Ansible via pip

Install with pip install ansible==


The C(command) module takes the command name followed by a list of space-delimited arguments.

The given command will be executed on all selected nodes. It will not be processed through the shell, so variables like C($HOME) and operations like C("<"), C(">"), C("|"), C(";") and C("&") will not work (use the M(shell) module if you need these features).

For Windows targets, use the M(win_command) module instead.

Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: return motd to registered var
  command: cat /etc/motd
  register: mymotd
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Run the command if the specified file does not exist.
  command: /usr/bin/ arg1 arg2 creates=/path/to/database
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# You can also use the 'args' form to provide the options.
- name: This command will change the working directory to somedir/ and will only run when /path/to/database doesn't exist.
  command: /usr/bin/ arg1 arg2
    chdir: somedir/
    creates: /path/to/database
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: safely use templated variable to run command. Always use the quote filter to avoid injection issues.
  command: cat {{ myfile|quote }}
  register: myoutput


    default: 'yes'
    - If command_warnings are on in ansible.cfg, do not warn about this particular line
      if set to C(no).
    type: bool
    version_added: '1.8'
    version_added_collection: ansible.builtin

    - Change into this directory before running the command.
    version_added: '0.6'
    version_added_collection: ansible.builtin

    default: null
    - Set the stdin of the command directly to the specified value.
    required: false
    version_added: '2.4'
    version_added_collection: ansible.builtin

    - A filename or (since 2.0) glob pattern, when it already exists, this step will B(not)
      be run.

    - A filename or (since 2.0) glob pattern, when it does not exist, this step will B(not)
      be run.
    version_added: '0.8'
    version_added_collection: ansible.builtin

    - The command module takes a free form command to run.  There is no parameter actually
      named 'free form'. See the examples!
    required: true