ansible.builtin.vmware_local_user_facts (v2.6.17) — module

Gather facts about users on the given ESXi host

| "added in version" 2.6 of ansible.builtin"

Authors: Abhijeet Kasurde (@Akasurde) <>

preview | supported by community

Install Ansible via pip

Install with pip install ansible==2.6.17


This module can be used to gather facts about users present on the given ESXi host system in VMware infrastructure.

All variables and VMware object names are case sensitive.

User must hold the 'Authorization.ModifyPermissions' privilege to invoke this module.


Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Gather facts about all Users on given ESXi host system
    hostname: esxi_hostname
    username: root
    password: vmware
  register: all_user_facts


    default: 443
    - The port number of the vSphere vCenter or ESXi server.
    - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_PORT)
      will be used instead.
    - Environment variable support added in Ansible 2.6.
    type: int

    - The hostname or IP address of the vSphere vCenter or ESXi server.
    - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_HOST)
      will be used instead.
    - Environment variable support added in Ansible 2.6.
    type: str

    - pass
    - pwd
    - The password of the vSphere vCenter or ESXi server.
    - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_PASSWORD)
      will be used instead.
    - Environment variable support added in Ansible 2.6.
    type: str

    - admin
    - user
    - The username of the vSphere vCenter or ESXi server.
    - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_USER)
      will be used instead.
    - Environment variable support added in Ansible 2.6.
    type: str

    - Address of a proxy that will receive all HTTPS requests and relay them.
    - The format is a hostname or a IP.
    - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_PROXY_HOST)
      will be used instead.
    - This feature depends on a version of pyvmomi greater than v6.7.1.2018.12
    required: false
    type: str

    - Port of the HTTP proxy that will receive all HTTPS requests and relay them.
    - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_PROXY_PORT)
      will be used instead.
    required: false
    type: int

    default: true
    - Allows connection when SSL certificates are not valid. Set to C(false) when certificates
      are not trusted.
    - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_VALIDATE_CERTS)
      will be used instead.
    - Environment variable support added in Ansible 2.6.
    - If set to C(true), please make sure Python >= 2.7.9 is installed on the given machine.
    type: bool


  description: metadata about all local users
  returned: always
  - full_name: Administrator
    principal: root
    user_group: false
    user_id: 0
    user_shell_access: true
  - full_name: DCUI User
    principal: dcui
    user_group: false
    user_id: 100
    user_shell_access: false
  type: dict