ansible.builtin.cv_server_provision (v2.7.7) — module

Provision server port by applying or removing template configuration to an Arista CloudVision Portal configlet that is applied to a switch.

| "added in version" 2.4 of ansible.builtin"

Authors: EOS+ CS ( (@mharista)

preview | supported by community

Install Ansible via pip

Install with pip install ansible==2.7.7


This module allows a server team to provision server network ports for new servers without having to access Arista CVP or asking the network team to do it for them. Provide the information for connecting to CVP, switch rack, port the new server is connected to, optional vlan, and an action and the module will apply the configuration to the switch port via CVP. Actions are add (applies template config to port), remove (defaults the interface config) and show (returns the current port config).


Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Get current configuration for interface Ethernet2
    host: cvp_node
    username: cvp_user
    password: cvp_pass
    protocol: https
    server_name: new_server
    switch_name: eos_switch_1
    switch_port: 2
    template: template_file.j2
    action: show
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Remove existing configuration from interface Ethernet2. Run task.
    host: cvp_node
    username: cvp_user
    password: cvp_pass
    protocol: https
    server_name: new_server
    switch_name: eos_switch_1
    switch_port: 2
    template: template_file.j2
    action: remove
    auto_run: True
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Add template configuration to interface Ethernet2. No VLAN. Run task.
    host: cvp_node
    username: cvp_user
    password: cvp_pass
    protocol: https
    server_name: new_server
    switch_name: eos_switch_1
    switch_port: 2
    template: single_attached_trunk.j2
    action: add
    auto_run: True
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Add template with VLAN configuration to interface Ethernet2. Run task.
    host: cvp_node
    username: cvp_user
    password: cvp_pass
    protocol: https
    server_name: new_server
    switch_name: eos_switch_1
    switch_port: 2
    port_vlan: 22
    template: single_attached_vlan.j2
    action: add
    auto_run: True


    - The hostname or IP address of the CVP node being connected to.
    required: true

    - The port number to use when making API calls to the CVP node. This will default
      to the default port for the specified protocol. Port 80 for http and port 443 for

    - show
    - add
    - remove
    default: show
    - The action for the module to take. The actions are add, which applies the specified
      template config to port, remove, which defaults the specified interface configuration,
      and show, which will return the current port configuration with no changes.

    default: 'no'
    - Flag that determines whether or not the module will execute the CVP task spawned
      as a result of changes to a switch configlet. When an add or remove action is taken
      which results in a change to a switch configlet, CVP will spawn a task that needs
      to be executed for the configuration to be applied to the switch. If this option
      is True then the module will determined the task number created by the configuration
      change, execute it and wait for the task to complete. If the option is False then
      the task will remain in the Pending state in CVP for a network administrator to
      review and execute.
    type: bool

    - The password of the user that will be used to connect to CVP for API calls.
    required: true

    - https
    - http
    default: https
    - The protocol to use when making API calls to CVP. CVP defaults to https and newer
      versions of CVP no longer support http.

    - A path to a Jinja formatted template file that contains the configuration block
      that will be applied to the specified switch port. This template will have variable
      fields replaced by the module before being applied to the switch configuration.
    required: true

    - The user that will be used to connect to CVP for making API calls.
    required: true

    - The vlan that should be applied to the port for this server. This parameter is dependent
      on a proper template that supports single vlan provisioning with it. If a port vlan
      is specified by the template specified does not support this the module will exit
      out with no changes. If a template is specified that requires a port vlan but no
      port vlan is specified the module will exit out with no changes.

    - The hostname or identifier for the server that is having it's switch port provisioned.
    required: true

    - The hostname of the switch is being configured for the server being provisioned.
    required: true

    - The physical port number on the switch that the new server is connected to.
    required: true


  description: Signifies if a change was made to the configlet
  returned: success
  sample: true
  type: bool
  description: The current config block for the user specified interface
  returned: when action = show
  sample: 'interface Ethernet4


  type: string
  description: The full config of the configlet after being updated
  returned: when action = add or remove
  sample: '!

    interface Ethernet3


    interface Ethernet4


  type: string
  description: The new config block for the user specified interface
  returned: when action = add or remove
  sample: "interface Ethernet3\n    description example\n    no switchport\n!\n"
  type: string
  description: The current config block for the user specified interface before any
    changes are made
  returned: when action = add or remove
  sample: 'interface Ethernet3


  type: string
  description: Signifies if the user specified port has an entry in the configlet
    that Ansible has access to
  returned: success
  sample: true
  type: bool
  description: Signifies if the user specified switch has a configlet applied to it
    that CVP is allowed to edit
  returned: success
  sample: true
  type: bool
  description: Information from CVP describing the switch being configured
  returned: success
    architecture: i386
    bootupTimeStamp: 1491264298.21
    complianceCode: '0000'
    complianceIndication: NONE
    deviceInfo: Registered
    deviceStatus: Registered
    fqdn: veos1
    hardwareRevision: ''
    internalBuildId: 12-12
    internalVersion: 4.17.1F-11111.4171F
    isDANZEnabled: 'no'
    isMLAGEnabled: 'no'
    key: 00:50:56:5d:e5:e0
    lastSyncUp: 1496432895799
    memFree: 472976
    memTotal: 1893460
    modelName: vEOS
    parentContainerId: container_13_5776759195930
    serialNumber: ''
    systemMacAddress: 00:50:56:5d:e5:e0
    taskIdList: []
    tempAction: null
    type: netelement
    unAuthorized: false
    version: 4.17.1F
    ztpMode: 'false'
  type: dictionary
  description: Signifies if the task created and executed has completed successfully
  returned: when action = add or remove, and auto_run = true, and configuration changes
  sample: true
  type: bool
  description: Signifies if a task was created due to configlet changes
  returned: when action = add or remove, and auto_run = true or false, and configuration
  sample: true
  type: bool
  description: Signifies if the automation executed the spawned task
  returned: when action = add or remove, and auto_run = true, and configuration changes
  sample: true
  type: bool
  description: The task ID created by CVP because of changes to configlet
  returned: when action = add or remove, and auto_run = true or false, and configuration
  sample: '500'
  type: string
  description: Response returned from CVP when configlet update is triggered
  returned: when action = add or remove and configuration changes
  sample: Configlet veos1-server successfully updated and task initiated.
  type: string