ansible.builtin.cnos_conditional_command (v2.8.13) — module

Execute a single command based on condition on devices running Lenovo CNOS

| "added in version" 2.3 of ansible.builtin"

Authors: Anil Kumar Muraleedharan (@amuraleedhar)

preview | supported by community

Install Ansible via pip

Install with pip install ansible==2.8.13


This module allows you to modify the running configuration of a switch. It provides a way to execute a single CNOS command on a network device by evaluating the current running configuration and executing the command only if the specific settings have not been already configured. The CNOS command is passed as an argument of the method. This module functions the same as the cnos_command module. The only exception is that following inventory variable can be specified ["condition = <flag string>"] When this inventory variable is specified as the variable of a task, the command is executed for the network element that matches the flag string. Usually, commands are executed across a group of network devices. When there is a requirement to skip the execution of the command on one or more devices, it is recommended to use this module. This module uses SSH to manage network device configuration.

Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
Tasks : The following are examples of using the module
 cnos_conditional_command. These are written in the main.yml file of the tasks
- name: Applying CLI template on VLAG Tier1 Leaf Switch1
      deviceType: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['deviceType'] }}"
      outputfile: "./results/test_conditional_command_
                  {{ inventory_hostname }}_output.txt"
      condition: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['condition']}}"
      flag: leaf_switch2
      command: "spanning-tree mode enable"


    default: null
    - If a task needs to be executed, you have to set the flag the same as it is specified
      in the inventory for that device.
    required: true

    - This is the variable used to search the hosts file at /etc/ansible/hosts and identify
      the IP address of the device on which the template is going to be applied. Usually
      the Ansible keyword {{ inventory_hostname }} is specified in the playbook as an
      abstraction of the group of network elements that need to be configured.
    required: true
    type: str

    - Configures the password used to authenticate the connection to the remote device.
      The value of the password parameter is used to authenticate the SSH session. While
      generally the value should come from the inventory file, you can also specify it
      as a variable. This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, no default value
      will be used.
    required: true
    type: str

    - Configures the username used to authenticate the connection to the remote device.
      The value of the username parameter is used to authenticate the SSH session. While
      generally the value should come from the inventory file, you can also specify it
      as a variable. This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, no default value
      will be used.
    required: true
    type: str

    default: null
    - If you specify condition=false in the inventory file against any device, the command
      execution is skipped for that device.
    required: true

    default: null
    - This specifies the CLI command as an attribute to this method. The command is passed
      using double quotes. The variables can be placed directly on to the CLI commands
      or can be invoked from the vars directory.
    required: true

    - g8272_cnos
    - g8296_cnos
    - g8332_cnos
    - NE0152T
    - NE1072T
    - NE1032
    - NE1032T
    - NE10032
    - NE2572
    - This specifies the type of device where the method is executed. The choices NE1072T,NE1032,NE1032T,NE10032,NE2572
      are added since Ansible 2.4. The choice NE0152T is added since 2.8
    required: true
    type: str

    - This specifies the file path where the output of each command execution is saved.
      Each command that is specified in the merged template file and each response from
      the device are saved here. Usually the location is the results folder, but you can
      choose another location based on your write permission.
    required: true
    type: str

    - Configures the password used to enter Global Configuration command mode on the switch.
      If the switch does not request this password, the parameter is ignored.While generally
      the value should come from the inventory file, you can also specify it as a variable.
      This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, no default value will be used.
    type: str


  description: Success or failure message
  returned: always
  sample: Command Applied
  type: str