ansible.builtin.vmware_host_service_manager (v2.9.24) — module

Manage services on a given ESXi host

| "added in version" 2.5 of ansible.builtin"

Authors: Abhijeet Kasurde (@Akasurde)

preview | supported by community

Install Ansible via pip

Install with pip install ansible==2.9.24


This module can be used to manage (start, stop, restart) services on a given ESXi host.

If cluster_name is provided, specified service will be managed on all ESXi host belonging to that cluster.

If specific esxi_hostname is provided, then specified service will be managed on given ESXi host only.


Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Start ntpd service setting for all ESXi Host in given Cluster
    hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}'
    username: '{{ vcenter_username }}'
    password: '{{ vcenter_password }}'
    cluster_name: '{{ cluster_name }}'
    service_name: ntpd
    state: present
  delegate_to: localhost
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Start ntpd setting for an ESXi Host
    hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}'
    username: '{{ vcenter_username }}'
    password: '{{ vcenter_password }}'
    esxi_hostname: '{{ esxi_hostname }}'
    service_name: ntpd
    state: present
  delegate_to: localhost
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Start ntpd setting for an ESXi Host with Service policy
    hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}'
    username: '{{ vcenter_username }}'
    password: '{{ vcenter_password }}'
    esxi_hostname: '{{ esxi_hostname }}'
    service_name: ntpd
    service_policy: on
    state: present
  delegate_to: localhost
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Stop ntpd setting for an ESXi Host
    hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}'
    username: '{{ vcenter_username }}'
    password: '{{ vcenter_password }}'
    esxi_hostname: '{{ esxi_hostname }}'
    service_name: ntpd
    state: absent
  delegate_to: localhost


    default: 443
    - The port number of the vSphere vCenter or ESXi server.
    - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_PORT)
      will be used instead.
    - Environment variable support added in Ansible 2.6.
    type: int

    - absent
    - present
    - restart
    - start
    - stop
    default: start
    - Desired state of service.
    - State value 'start' and 'present' has same effect.
    - State value 'stop' and 'absent' has same effect.
    type: str

    - The hostname or IP address of the vSphere vCenter or ESXi server.
    - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_HOST)
      will be used instead.
    - Environment variable support added in Ansible 2.6.
    type: str

    - pass
    - pwd
    - The password of the vSphere vCenter or ESXi server.
    - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_PASSWORD)
      will be used instead.
    - Environment variable support added in Ansible 2.6.
    type: str

    - admin
    - user
    - The username of the vSphere vCenter or ESXi server.
    - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_USER)
      will be used instead.
    - Environment variable support added in Ansible 2.6.
    type: str

    - Address of a proxy that will receive all HTTPS requests and relay them.
    - The format is a hostname or a IP.
    - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_PROXY_HOST)
      will be used instead.
    - This feature depends on a version of pyvmomi greater than v6.7.1.2018.12
    required: false
    type: str

    - Port of the HTTP proxy that will receive all HTTPS requests and relay them.
    - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_PROXY_PORT)
      will be used instead.
    required: false
    type: int

    - Name of the cluster.
    - Service settings are applied to every ESXi host system/s in given cluster.
    - If C(esxi_hostname) is not given, this parameter is required.
    type: str

    - Name of Service to be managed. This is a brief identifier for the service, for example,
      ntpd, vxsyslogd etc.
    - This value should be a valid ESXi service name.
    required: true
    type: str

    - ESXi hostname.
    - Service settings are applied to this ESXi host system.
    - If C(cluster_name) is not given, this parameter is required.
    type: str

    - automatic
    - 'off'
    - 'on'
    - Set of valid service policy strings.
    - If set C(on), then service should be started when the host starts up.
    - If set C(automatic), then service should run if and only if it has open firewall
    - If set C(off), then Service should not be started when the host starts up.
    type: str

    default: true
    - Allows connection when SSL certificates are not valid. Set to C(false) when certificates
      are not trusted.
    - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_VALIDATE_CERTS)
      will be used instead.
    - Environment variable support added in Ansible 2.6.
    - If set to C(true), please make sure Python >= 2.7.9 is installed on the given machine.
    type: bool