ansible.utils.index_of (4.0.0) — filter

Find the indices of items in a list matching some criteria

| "added in version" 1.0.0 of ansible.utils"

Authors: Bradley Thornton (@cidrblock)

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.utils:==4.0.0

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: ansible.utils
      version: 4.0.0


This plugin returns the indices of items matching some criteria in a list.

When working with a list of dictionaries, the key to evaluate can be specified.

B(index_of) is also available as a B(lookup plugin) for convenience.

Using the parameters below- C(data|ansible.utils.index_of(test, value, key, fail_on_missing, wantlist))

Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.

#### Simple examples

- name: Define a list
      - 1
      - 2
      - 3
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Find the index of 2
    indices: "{{ data|ansible.utils.index_of('eq', 2) }}"
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# TASK [Find the index of 2] *************************************************
# ok: [nxos101] => changed=false
#   ansible_facts:
#     indices: '1'

- name: Find the index of 2, ensure list is returned
    indices: "{{ data|ansible.utils.index_of('eq', 2, wantlist=True) }}"
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# TASK [Find the index of 2, ensure list is returned] ************************
# ok: [nxos101] => changed=false
#   ansible_facts:
#     indices:
#     - 1

- name: Find the index of 3 using the long format
    indices: "{{ data|ansible.utils.index_of(test='eq', value=value, wantlist=True) }}"
    value: 3
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# TASK [Find the index of 3 using the long format] ***************************
# ok: [nxos101] => changed=false
#   ansible_facts:
#     indices:
#     - 2

- name: Find numbers greater than 1, using loop
    msg: "{{ data[item] }} is {{ test }} than {{ value }}"
  loop: "{{ data|ansible.utils.index_of(test, value) }}"
    test: '>'
    value: 1
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# TASK [Find numbers great than 1, using loop] *******************************
# ok: [sw01] => (item=1) =>
#   msg: 2 is > than 1
# ok: [sw01] => (item=2) =>
#   msg: 3 is > than 1

#### Working with lists of dictionaries

- name: Define a list with hostname and type
      - name: sw01.example.lan
        type: switch
      - name: rtr01.example.lan
        type: router
      - name: fw01.example.corp
        type: firewall
      - name: fw02.example.corp
        type: firewall
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Find the index of all firewalls using the type key
    firewalls: "{{ data|ansible.utils.index_of('eq', 'firewall', 'type') }}"
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# TASK [Find the index of all firewalls using the type key] ******************
# ok: [nxos101] => changed=false
#   ansible_facts:
#     firewalls:
#     - 2
#     - 3

- name: Find the index of all firewalls, use in a loop
    msg: "The type of {{ device_type }} at index {{ item }} has name {{ data[item].name }}."
  loop: "{{ data|ansible.utils.index_of('eq', device_type, 'type') }}"
    device_type: firewall
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# TASK [Find the index of all firewalls, use in a loop, as a filter] *********
# ok: [nxos101] => (item=2) =>
#   msg: The type of firewall at index 2 has name fw01.example.corp.
# ok: [nxos101] => (item=3) =>
#   msg: The type of firewall at index 3 has name fw02.example.corp.

- name: Find the index of all devices with a .corp name
    msg: "The device named {{ data[item].name }} is a {{ data[item].type }}"
  loop: "{{ data|ansible.utils.index_of('regex', expression, 'name') }}"
    expression: '\.corp$'
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# TASK [Find the index of all devices with a .corp name] *********************
# ok: [nxos101] => (item=2) =>
#   msg: The device named fw01.example.corp is a firewall
# ok: [nxos101] => (item=3) =>
#   msg: The device named fw02.example.corp is a firewall

#### Working with complex structures from resource modules

- name: Retrieve the current L3 interface configuration
    state: gathered
  register: current_l3
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# TASK [Retrieve the current L3 interface configuration] *********************
# ok: [sw01] => changed=false
#   gathered:
#   - name: Ethernet1/1
#   - name: Ethernet1/2
#   <...>
#   - name: Ethernet1/128
#   - ipv4:
#     - address:
#     name: mgmt0

- name: Find the indices interfaces with a 192.168.101.xx ip address
    found: "{{ found + entry }}"
  with_indexed_items: "{{ current_l3.gathered }}"
    found: []
    ip: '192.168.101.'
    address: "{{ item.1.ipv4|d([])|ansible.utils.index_of('search', ip, 'address', wantlist=True) }}"
      - interface_idx: "{{ item.0 }}"
        address_idxs: "{{ address }}"
  when: address
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# TASK [debug] ***************************************************************
# ok: [sw01] =>
#   found:
#   - address_idxs:
#     - 0
#     interface_idx: '128'

- name: Show all interfaces and their address
    msg: "{{ }} has ip {{ address }}"
  loop: "{{ found|subelements('address_idxs') }}"
    interface: "{{ current_l3.gathered[item.0.interface_idx|int] }}"
    address: "{{ interface.ipv4[item.1].address }}"
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# TASK [Show all interfaces and their address] *******************************
# ok: [nxos101] => (item=[{'interface_idx': '128', 'address_idxs': [0]}, 0]) =>
#   msg: mgmt0 has ip

#### Working with deeply nested data

- name: Define interface configuration facts
          - config:
              description: configured by Ansible - 1
              enabled: true
              loopback-mode: false
              mtu: 1024
              name: loopback0000
              type: eth
            name: loopback0000
                - config:
                    description: subinterface configured by Ansible - 1
                    enabled: true
                    index: 5
                  index: 5
                - config:
                    description: subinterface configured by Ansible - 2
                    enabled: false
                    index: 2
                  index: 2
          - config:
              description: configured by Ansible - 2
              enabled: false
              loopback-mode: false
              mtu: 2048
              name: loopback1111
              type: virt
            name: loopback1111
                - config:
                    description: subinterface configured by Ansible - 3
                    enabled: true
                    index: 10
                  index: 10
                - config:
                    description: subinterface configured by Ansible - 4
                    enabled: false
                    index: 3
                  index: 3
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.

- name: Find the description of loopback111, subinterface index 10
    msg: |-
      {{ data.interfaces.interface[int_idx|int]
            .config.description }}
    # the values to search for
    int_name: loopback1111
    sub_index: 10
    # retrieve the index in each nested list
    int_idx: |
      {{ data.interfaces.interface|
            ansible.utils.index_of('eq', int_name, 'name') }}
    subint_idx: |
      {{ data.interfaces.interface[int_idx|int]
                ansible.utils.index_of('eq', sub_index, 'index') }}


    - When the data provided is a list of dictionaries, run the test against this dictionary
    - When using a I(key), the I(data) must only contain dictionaries.
    - See I(fail_on_missing) below to determine the behavior when the I(key) is missing
      from a dictionary in the I(data).
    type: str

    - A list of items to enumerate and test against.
    - This option represents the value that is passed to the filter plugin in pipe format.
    - For example C(config_data|ansible.utils.index_of('x')), in this case C(config_data)
      represents this option.
    required: true
    type: list

    - The name of the test to run against the list, a valid jinja2 test or ansible test
    - Jinja2 includes the following tests U(
    - An overview of tests included in ansible U(
    required: true
    type: str

    - The value used to test each list item against.
    - 'Not required for simple tests (eg: C(true), C(false), C(even), C(odd))'
    - May be a C(string), C(boolean), C(number), C(regular expression) C(dict) and so
      on, depending on the C(test) used
    type: raw

    - When only a single entry in the I(data) is matched, the index of that entry is returned
      as an integer.
    - If set to C(True), the return value will always be a list, even if only a single
      entry is matched.
    type: bool

    description: When provided a list of dictionaries, fail if the key is missing from
      one or more of the dictionaries.
    type: bool