(1.2.1) — filter

Get specific github release version(s)

| "added in version" 2.13 of"

Authors: unknown

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install

Add to requirements.yml

    - name:
      version: 1.2.1


Given a list of releases, find all releases that match provided criteria.


    description: 'Exclude if _matchtype is ''latest''.  _key can be x.y.z, x.y or x.  If
      _matchtype is ''eq'', then

      all versions that equal the key are returned.  If key is x.y.z, that is any version

      that exact major.minor.point (including decorated version, if the option is set
      to include them).

      If _matchtype is ''gte'', any version greater-than-or-equal to _key are returned.  Again,
      if _key

      is x.y.z, then any version x.y.n is returned where n >= z, as well as any version
      x.a.n where

      a > y, as well as any version b.a.n where b > x.  If _matchtype is ''lte'', the
      same logic applies

      but for versions less-than-or-equal.

    type: str

    description: The input filter list
    required: true
    type: list

    description: The match criteria.  Can be 'latest', 'eq', 'gte', 'lte'.
    required: true
    type: str

    description: 'Remove all elaborations to semantic version (except the decoarator,
      if ''include_decorated_versions'' is True).

      When set To True, all returned versions will be X.Y.Z (excluding for example, a
      leading ''v'' literal).  The

      default is True.

    type: bool

    description: 'Whether the match criteria should consider versions with a "decorator".  This
      is a string following the version name.

      For example, v0.60.0-alpha.0 or v0.53.2-rc.  The default is False.  If this is set
      to True, then the applied criteria

      treats these as the version without the decorator.

    type: bool


  description: list of matching versions based on the criteria and key
  type: str