chillancezen.fortimanager.fmgr_dvm_cmd_import_devlist (2.1.6) — module

no description

| "added in version" 1.0.0 of chillancezen.fortimanager"

Authors: Link Zheng (@chillancezen), Jie Xue (@JieX19), Frank Shen (@fshen01), Hongbin Lu (@fgtdev-hblu)

preview | supported by community

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install chillancezen.fortimanager:==2.1.6

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: chillancezen.fortimanager
      version: 2.1.6


This module is able to configure a FortiManager device.

Examples include all parameters and values which need to be adjusted to data sources before usage.

Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
 - hosts: fortimanager-inventory
     - fortinet.fortimanager
   connection: httpapi
      ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: True
      ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: False
      ansible_httpapi_port: 443
    - name: no description
         bypass_validation: False
         workspace_locking_adom: <value in [global, custom adom including root]>
         workspace_locking_timeout: 300
         rc_succeeded: [0, -2, -3, ...]
         rc_failed: [-2, -3, ...]
            adom: <value of string>
              - none
              - create_task
              - nonblocking
              - log_dev
                  adom: <value of string>
                  dev: <value of string>
                  vdom: <value of string>
                  desc: <value of string>
                    - migration
                    - db_export
                    - no_vpn_console
                    - backup
                    - other_devices
                    - central_sdwan
                    - is_autosync
                    - per_device_wtp
                    - policy_check_on_install
                    - install_on_policy_check_fail
                    - auto_push_cfg
                    - per_device_fsw
                  log_db_retention_hours: <value of integer>
                  log_disk_quota: <value of integer>
                  log_disk_quota_alert_thres: <value of integer>
                  log_disk_quota_split_ratio: <value of integer>
                  log_file_retention_hours: <value of integer>
                  meta fields: <value of dict>
                  mig_mr: <value of integer>
                  mig_os_ver: <value in [unknown, 0.0, 1.0, ...]>
                  mode: <value in [ems, gms, provider]>
                  mr: <value of integer>
                  name: <value of string>
                  os_ver: <value in [unknown, 0.0, 1.0, ...]>
                    - fos
                    - foc
                    - fml
                    - fch
                    - fwb
                    - log
                    - fct
                    - faz
                    - fsa
                    - fsw
                    - fmg
                    - fdd
                    - fac
                    - fpx
                    - fna
                    - fdc
                    - ffw
                    - fsr
                    - fad
                    - fap
                    - fxt
                    - fts
                    - fai
                    - fwc
                  state: <value of integer>
                  uuid: <value of string>
                  create_time: <value of integer>
                  workspace_mode: <value of integer>
                  adm_pass: <value of string>
                  adm_usr: <value of string>
                  app_ver: <value of string>
                  av_ver: <value of string>
                  beta: <value of integer>
                  branch_pt: <value of integer>
                  build: <value of integer>
                  checksum: <value of string>
                  conf_status: <value in [unknown, insync, outofsync]>
                  conn_mode: <value in [active, passive]>
                  conn_status: <value in [UNKNOWN, up, down]>
                  db_status: <value in [unknown, nomod, mod]>
                  desc: <value of string>
                  dev_status: <value in [none, unknown, checkedin, ...]>
                  fap_cnt: <value of integer>
                  faz.full_act: <value of integer>
                  faz.perm: <value of integer>
                  faz.quota: <value of integer>
                  faz.used: <value of integer>
                  fex_cnt: <value of integer>
                    - has_hdd
                    - vdom_enabled
                    - discover
                    - reload
                    - interim_build
                    - offline_mode
                    - is_model
                    - fips_mode
                    - linked_to_model
                    - ip-conflict
                    - faz-autosync
                  foslic_cpu: <value of integer>
                  foslic_dr_site: <value in [disable, enable]>
                  foslic_inst_time: <value of integer>
                  foslic_last_sync: <value of integer>
                  foslic_ram: <value of integer>
                  foslic_type: <value in [temporary, trial, regular, ...]>
                    - fw
                    - av
                    - ips
                    - app
                    - url
                    - utm
                    - fwb
                  fsw_cnt: <value of integer>
                  ha_group_id: <value of integer>
                  ha_group_name: <value of string>
                  ha_mode: <value in [standalone, AP, AA, ...]>
                        idx: <value of integer>
                        name: <value of string>
                        prio: <value of integer>
                        role: <value in [slave, master]>
                        sn: <value of string>
                        status: <value of integer>
                  hdisk_size: <value of integer>
                  hostname: <value of string>
                  hw_rev_major: <value of integer>
                  hw_rev_minor: <value of integer>
                  ip: <value of string>
                  ips_ext: <value of integer>
                  ips_ver: <value of string>
                  last_checked: <value of integer>
                  last_resync: <value of integer>
                  latitude: <value of string>
                  lic_flags: <value of integer>
                  lic_region: <value of string>
                  location_from: <value of string>
                  logdisk_size: <value of integer>
                  longitude: <value of string>
                  maxvdom: <value of integer>
                  meta fields: <value of dict>
                  mgmt_id: <value of integer>
                  mgmt_if: <value of string>
                  mgmt_mode: <value in [unreg, fmg, faz, ...]>
                  mgt_vdom: <value of string>
                  mr: <value of integer>
                  name: <value of string>
                  os_type: <value in [unknown, fos, fsw, ...]>
                  os_ver: <value in [unknown, 0.0, 1.0, ...]>
                  patch: <value of integer>
                  platform_str: <value of string>
                  psk: <value of string>
                  sn: <value of string>
                        comments: <value of string>
                        name: <value of string>
                        opmode: <value in [nat, transparent]>
                        rtm_prof_id: <value of integer>
                        status: <value of string>
                        meta fields: <value of dict>
                        vpn_id: <value of integer>
                        vdom_type: <value in [traffic, admin]>
                  version: <value of integer>
                  vm_cpu: <value of integer>
                  vm_cpu_limit: <value of integer>
                  vm_lic_expire: <value of integer>
                  vm_mem: <value of integer>
                  vm_mem_limit: <value of integer>
                  vm_status: <value of integer>
                  module_sn: <value of string>
                  prefer_img_ver: <value of string>
                  prio: <value of integer>
                  role: <value in [master, ha-slave, autoscale-slave]>
                  hyperscale: <value of integer>
                  nsxt_service_name: <value of string>
                  private_key: <value of string>
                  private_key_status: <value of integer>
                  adom: <value of string>
                  dev: <value of string>
                  grp: <value of string>
                  vdom: <value of string>


  description: The full url requested
  returned: always
  sample: /sys/login/user
  type: str
  description: The status of api request
  returned: always
  sample: 0
  type: int
  description: The descriptive message of the api response
  returned: always
  sample: OK.
  type: str