ciena.mcp.nsi_api_v4_networkconstructs_by_id_expectations_by_expid (1.0.4) — module

Handle resource of type nsi_api_v4_networkconstructs_by_id_expectations_by_expid

| "added in version" 1.0.0 of ciena.mcp"

Authors: unknown

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install ciena.mcp:==1.0.4

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: ciena.mcp
      version: 1.0.4


Handle resource of type nsi_api_v4_networkconstructs_by_id_expectations_by_expid



    - Identifier of the Network Construct under which to create the expectation
    - Required with I(state=['put'])
    - Used by I(state=['put'])
    type: str

    - The network construct expectation type
    - Used by I(state=['put'])
    type: str

    - Identifier of the Network Construct expectation to create or update
    - Required with I(state=['put'])
    - Used by I(state=['put'])
    type: str

    - put
    description: []
    type: str

    - Expectation attributes to be kept by NSI.
    - 'Validate attributes are:'
    - ' - C(accessIdentifier) (str): AID of the device, i.e. for 6500 shelf : SHELF-n.'
    - ' - C(additionalAttributes) (dict): Various miscellaneous attributes that do not
      necessarily belong in the parent resource. Attributes are populated dynamically
      and therefore cannot be documented here.'
    - ' - C(associationState) (str): Association state of the network construct.'
    - ' - C(associationStateLastUpdatedTime) (str): Date at which we last changed association
    - ' - C(associationStateQualifier) (str): How the associationState has been set.'
    - ' - C(associationStateQualifierReason) (str): Reason for going into maintenance
    - ' - C(capabilitySpecRef) (str): Name of the file which contains the constraint rules
      of the network device.'
    - ' - C(deviceType) (str): Device Type.'
    - ' - C(deviceVersion) (str): Device version (e.g. 6500 32-SLOT OPTICAL)'
    - ' - C(endDate) (str): The scheduled end date and time of the expectation, with RFC
      3339 date-time format'
    - ' - C(geoLocation) (dict): The geography location of the device'
    - ' - C(ipAddress) (str): IP address of the network construct.'
    - ' - C(ipCommunicationDetails) (dict): IP communications data for the network construct'
    - ' - C(l2Data) (list): It represents the L2 Configuration Data on the NE.'
    - ' - C(longName) (str): Extended name of the Network Construct'
    - ' - C(macAddress) (str): MAC address of the device.'
    - ' - C(memberFunction) (str): Member function of the network construct.'
    - ' - C(modelType) (str): The model type of network construct, TPE, FRE.'
    - ' - C(name) (str): Name (e.g. TID) of the Network Construct'
    - ' - C(networkConstructType) (str): The type of network construct. It is used to
      represent the physical hierarchy of a network element.'
    - ' - C(numberOfShelves) (int): Number of shelves (primary + member shelves in case
      of TIDc)'
    - ' - C(policies) (list): Policies to be applied to the entity.'
    - ' - C(resourcePartitionInfo) (list): It represents which partition the NE belongs
    - ' - C(resourceType) (str): Resource Type.'
    - ' - C(serialNumber) (str): Serial number (e.g. NNTMHQDP0001)'
    - ' - C(shelfType) (str): Shelf type of the network construct.'
    - ' - C(softwareImage) (str): Software image'
    - ' - C(softwareType) (str): Software type (e.g. OCP)'
    - ' - C(softwareVersion) (str): Software version running in the device.'
    - ' - C(srlg) (list): Shared risk link group is used by the path computation engine
      to ensure that the alternate links involved in a service do not share the same shared
      risk link group.'
    - ' - C(startDate) (str): The scheduled start date and time of the expectation, with
      RFC 3339 date-time format'
    - ' - C(subnetName) (str): Subnet name (e.g. ROADM1---ROADM2---SUBNET)'
    - ' - C(typeGroup) (str): Resource adapter type group.'
    - Used by I(state=['put'])
    type: dict

    - 'Validate attributes are:'
    - ' - C(childrenNetworkConstruct) (dict): The one-to-many relationship'
    - ' - C(concrete) (dict): The one-to-many relationship'
    - ' - C(concreteAssociations) (dict): The one-to-many relationship'
    - ' - C(equipmentIntent) (dict): The one-to-one relationship'
    - ' - C(groups) (dict): The one-to-many relationship'
    - ' - C(intent) (dict): The one-to-one relationship'
    - ' - C(parentNetworkConstruct) (dict): The one-to-one relationship'
    - ' - C(physicalLocation) (dict): The one-to-one relationship'
    - ' - C(serviceIntent) (dict): The one-to-one relationship'
    - ' - C(srlg) (dict): The SRLGone-to-many relationship'
    - Used by I(state=['put'])
    type: dict