community.general.redis_info (0.1.4) — module

Gather information about Redis servers

| "added in version" 0.2.0 of community.general"

Authors: Pavlo Bashynskyi (@levonet)

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install community.general:==0.1.4

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: community.general
      version: 0.1.4


Gathers information and statistics about Redis servers.


Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Get server information
  register: result
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Print server information


    default: localhost
    - The host running the database.
    type: str

    default: 6379
    - The port to connect to.
    type: int

    - The password used to authenticate with, when authentication is enabled for the Redis
    type: str


  description: The default set of server information sections U(
  returned: success
    active_defrag_hits: 0
    active_defrag_key_hits: 0
    active_defrag_key_misses: 0
    active_defrag_misses: 0
    active_defrag_running: 0
    allocator_active: 932409344
    allocator_allocated: 932062792
    allocator_frag_bytes: 346552
    allocator_frag_ratio: 1.0
    allocator_resident: 947253248
    allocator_rss_bytes: 14843904
    allocator_rss_ratio: 1.02
    aof_current_rewrite_time_sec: -1
    aof_enabled: 0
    aof_last_bgrewrite_status: ok
    aof_last_cow_size: 0
    aof_last_rewrite_time_sec: -1
    aof_last_write_status: ok
    aof_rewrite_in_progress: 0
    aof_rewrite_scheduled: 0
    arch_bits: 64
    atomicvar_api: atomic-builtin
    blocked_clients: 0
    client_recent_max_input_buffer: 4
    client_recent_max_output_buffer: 0
    cluster_enabled: 0
    config_file: ''
    configured_hz: 10
    connected_clients: 4
    connected_slaves: 0
      avg_ttl: 1945628530
      expires: 16
      keys: 3341411
    evicted_keys: 0
    executable: /data/redis-server
    expired_keys: 9
    expired_stale_perc: 1.72
    expired_time_cap_reached_count: 0
    gcc_version: 9.2.0
    hz: 10
    instantaneous_input_kbps: 0.0
    instantaneous_ops_per_sec: 0
    instantaneous_output_kbps: 0.0
    keyspace_hits: 0
    keyspace_misses: 0
    latest_fork_usec: 0
    lazyfree_pending_objects: 0
    loading: 0
    lru_clock: 11603632
    master_repl_offset: 118831417
    master_replid: 0d904704e424e38c3cd896783e9f9d28d4836e5e
    master_replid2: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
    maxmemory: 0
    maxmemory_human: 0B
    maxmemory_policy: noeviction
    mem_allocator: jemalloc-5.1.0
    mem_aof_buffer: 0
    mem_clients_normal: 49694
    mem_clients_slaves: 0
    mem_fragmentation_bytes: 12355480
    mem_fragmentation_ratio: 1.01
    mem_not_counted_for_evict: 0
    mem_replication_backlog: 1048576
    migrate_cached_sockets: 0
    multiplexing_api: epoll
    number_of_cached_scripts: 0
    os: Linux 3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64 x86_64
    process_id: 1
    pubsub_channels: 0
    pubsub_patterns: 0
    rdb_bgsave_in_progress: 0
    rdb_changes_since_last_save: 671
    rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec: -1
    rdb_last_bgsave_status: ok
    rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec: -1
    rdb_last_cow_size: 0
    rdb_last_save_time: 1588702236
    redis_build_id: a31260535f820267
    redis_git_dirty: 0
    redis_git_sha1: 0
    redis_mode: standalone
    redis_version: 999.999.999
    rejected_connections: 0
    repl_backlog_active: 1
    repl_backlog_first_byte_offset: 118707937
    repl_backlog_histlen: 123481
    repl_backlog_size: 1048576
    role: master
    rss_overhead_bytes: -3051520
    rss_overhead_ratio: 1.0
    run_id: 8d252f66c3ef89bd60a060cf8dc5cfe3d511c5e4
    second_repl_offset: 118830003
    slave_expires_tracked_keys: 0
    sync_full: 0
    sync_partial_err: 0
    sync_partial_ok: 0
    tcp_port: 6379
    total_commands_processed: 885
    total_connections_received: 10
    total_net_input_bytes: 802709255
    total_net_output_bytes: 31754
    total_system_memory: 135029538816
    total_system_memory_human: 125.76G
    uptime_in_days: 53
    uptime_in_seconds: 4631778
    used_cpu_sys: 4.668282
    used_cpu_sys_children: 0.002191
    used_cpu_user: 4.21088
    used_cpu_user_children: 0.0
    used_memory: 931908760
    used_memory_dataset: 910774306
    used_memory_dataset_perc: 97.82%
    used_memory_human: 888.74M
    used_memory_lua: 37888
    used_memory_lua_human: 37.00K
    used_memory_overhead: 21134454
    used_memory_peak: 932015216
    used_memory_peak_human: 888.84M
    used_memory_peak_perc: 99.99%
    used_memory_rss: 944201728
    used_memory_rss_human: 900.46M
    used_memory_scripts: 0
    used_memory_scripts_human: 0B
    used_memory_startup: 791264
  type: dict

See also