community.general.vdo (3.8.10) — module

Module to control VDO

Authors: Bryan Gurney (@bgurney-rh)

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install community.general:==3.8.10

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: community.general
      version: 3.8.10


This module controls the VDO dedupe and compression device.

VDO, or Virtual Data Optimizer, is a device-mapper target that provides inline block-level deduplication, compression, and thin provisioning capabilities to primary storage.


Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Create 2 TB VDO volume vdo1 on device /dev/md0
    name: vdo1
    state: present
    device: /dev/md0
    logicalsize: 2T
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Remove VDO volume vdo1
    name: vdo1
    state: absent


    - The name of the VDO volume.
    required: true
    type: str

    default: false
    - When creating a volume, ignores any existing file system or VDO signature already
      present in the storage device. When stopping or removing a VDO volume, first unmounts
      the file system stored on the device if mounted.
    - B(Warning:) Since this parameter removes all safety checks it is important to make
      sure that all parameters provided are accurate and intentional.
    type: bool
    version_added: 2.4.0
    version_added_collection: community.general

    - absent
    - present
    default: present
    - Whether this VDO volume should be "present" or "absent". If a "present" VDO volume
      does not exist, it will be created.  If a "present" VDO volume already exists, it
      will be modified, by updating the configuration, which will take effect when the
      VDO volume is restarted. Not all parameters of an existing VDO volume can be modified;
      the "statusparamkeys" list contains the parameters that can be modified after creation.
      If an "absent" VDO volume does not exist, it will not be removed.
    type: str

    - The full path of the device to use for VDO storage.
    - This is required if "state" is "present".
    type: str

    - Whether this VDO volume is running.
    - A VDO volume must be activated in order to be started.
    type: bool

    - Specifies the amount of index memory in gigabytes.  The default is 0.25.  The special
      decimal values 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 can be used, as can any positive integer. This
      option is only available when creating a new volume, and cannot be changed for an
      existing volume.
    type: str

    - The size of the increment by which the physical size of a VDO volume is grown, in
      megabytes (or may be issued with an LVM-style suffix of K, M, G, or T).  Must be
      a power of two between 128M and 32G.  The default is 2G, which supports volumes
      having a physical size up to 16T. The maximum, 32G, supports a physical size of
      up to 256T. This option is only available when creating a new volume, and cannot
      be changed for an existing volume.
    type: str

    - The "activate" status for a VDO volume.  If this is set to "no", the VDO volume
      cannot be started, and it will not start on system startup.  However, on initial
      creation, a VDO volume with "activated" set to "off" will be running, until stopped.  This
      is the default behavior of the "vdo create" command; it provides the user an opportunity
      to write a base amount of metadata (filesystem, LVM headers, etc.) to the VDO volume
      prior to stopping the volume, and leaving it deactivated until ready to use.
    type: bool

    - dense
    - sparse
    - Specifies the index mode of the Albireo index.  The default is 'dense', which has
      a deduplication window of 1 GB of index memory per 1 TB of incoming data, requiring
      10 GB of index data on persistent storage. The 'sparse' mode has a deduplication
      window of 1 GB of index memory per 10 TB of incoming data, but requires 100 GB of
      index data on persistent storage.  This option is only available when creating a
      new volume, and cannot be changed for an existing volume.
    type: str

    - disabled
    - enabled
    - Enables or disables the read cache.  The default is 'disabled'.  Choosing 'enabled'
      enables a read cache which may improve performance for workloads of high deduplication,
      read workloads with a high level of compression, or on hard disk storage.  Existing
      volumes will maintain their previously configured setting unless a different value
      is specified in the playbook.
    - The read cache feature is available in VDO 6.1 and older.
    type: str

    - Specifies the number of threads to use for acknowledging completion of requested
      VDO I/O operations. Valid values are integer values from 1 to 100 (lower numbers
      are preferable due to overhead).  The default is 1.  Existing volumes will maintain
      their previously configured setting unless a different value is specified in the
    type: str

    - Specifies the number of threads to use for submitting I/O operations to the storage
      device.  Valid values are integer values from 1 to 100 (lower numbers are preferable
      due to overhead).  The default is 4. Existing volumes will maintain their previously
      configured setting unless a different value is specified in the playbook.
    type: str

    - Specifies the number of threads to use for CPU-intensive work such as hashing or
      compression.  Valid values are integer values from 1 to 100 (lower numbers are preferable
      due to overhead).  The default is 2. Existing volumes will maintain their previously
      configured setting unless a different value is specified in the playbook.
    type: str

    default: false
    - Enables 512-byte emulation mode, allowing drivers or filesystems to access the VDO
      volume at 512-byte granularity, instead of the default 4096-byte granularity. Default
      is 'disabled'; only recommended when a driver or filesystem requires 512-byte sector
      level access to a device.  This option is only available when creating a new volume,
      and cannot be changed for an existing volume.
    type: bool

    - disabled
    - enabled
    - Configures whether compression is enabled.  The default for a created volume is
      'enabled'.  Existing volumes will maintain their previously configured setting unless
      a different value is specified in the playbook.
    type: str

    - The logical size of the VDO volume (in megabytes, or LVM suffix format).  If not
      specified for a new volume, this defaults to the same size as the underlying storage
      device, which is specified in the 'device' parameter. Existing volumes will maintain
      their size if the logicalsize parameter is not specified, or is smaller than or
      identical to the current size.  If the specified size is larger than the current
      size, a growlogical operation will be performed.
    type: str

    - async
    - auto
    - sync
    - Specifies the write policy of the VDO volume.  The 'sync' mode acknowledges writes
      only after data is on stable storage.  The 'async' mode acknowledges writes when
      data has been cached for writing to stable storage.  The default (and highly recommended)
      'auto' mode checks the storage device to determine whether it supports flushes.  Devices
      that support flushes will result in a VDO volume in 'async' mode, while devices
      that do not support flushes will run in sync mode. Existing volumes will maintain
      their previously configured setting unless a different value is specified in the
    type: str

    default: false
    - Specifies whether to attempt to execute a growphysical operation, if there is enough
      unused space on the device.  A growphysical operation will be executed if there
      is at least 64 GB of free space, relative to the previous physical size of the affected
      VDO volume.
    type: bool

    - disabled
    - enabled
    - Configures whether deduplication is enabled.  The default for a created volume is
      'enabled'.  Existing volumes will maintain their previously configured setting unless
      a different value is specified in the playbook.
    type: str

    - Specifies the extra VDO device read cache size in megabytes.  This is in addition
      to a system-defined minimum.  Using a value with a suffix of K, M, G, or T is optional.  The
      default value is 0.  1.125 MB of memory per bio thread will be used per 1 MB of
      read cache specified (for example, a VDO volume configured with 4 bio threads will
      have a read cache memory usage overhead of 4.5 MB per 1 MB of read cache specified).
      Existing volumes will maintain their previously configured setting unless a different
      value is specified in the playbook.
    - The read cache feature is available in VDO 6.1 and older.
    type: str

    - Specifies the number of threads across which to subdivide parts of the VDO processing
      based on logical block addresses.  Valid values are integer values from 1 to 100
      (lower numbers are preferable due to overhead). The default is 1.  Existing volumes
      will maintain their previously configured setting unless a different value is specified
      in the playbook.
    type: str

    - Specifies the number of threads across which to subdivide parts of the VDO processing
      based on physical block addresses.  Valid values are integer values from 1 to 16
      (lower numbers are preferable due to overhead). The physical space used by the VDO
      volume must be larger than (slabsize * physicalthreads).  The default is 1.  Existing
      volumes will maintain their previously configured setting unless a different value
      is specified in the playbook.
    type: str

    - The amount of memory allocated for caching block map pages, in megabytes (or may
      be issued with an LVM-style suffix of K, M, G, or T).  The default (and minimum)
      value is 128M.  The value specifies the size of the cache; there is a 15% memory
      usage overhead. Each 1.25G of block map covers 1T of logical blocks, therefore a
      small amount of block map cache memory can cache a significantly large amount of
      block map data.  Existing volumes will maintain their previously configured setting
      unless a different value is specified in the playbook.
    type: str