community.general.to_weeks (6.6.8) — filter

Converte a duration string to weeks

| "added in version" 0.2.0 of community.general"

Authors: René Moser (@resmo)

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install community.general:==6.6.8

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: community.general
      version: 6.6.8


Parse a human readable time duration string and convert to weeks.

Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Convert a duration into weeks
    msg: "{{ '1y 7m 5d 30h' | community.general.to_weeks }}"


    default: 365
    - Number of days per year.
    type: float

    default: 30
    - Number of days per month.
    type: float

    - The time string to convert.
    - Can use the units C(y) and C(year) for a year, C(mo) and C(month) for a month, C(w)
      and C(week) for a week, C(d) and C(day) for a day, C(h) and C(hour) for a hour,
      C(m), C(min) and C(minute) for minutes, C(s), C(sec) and C(second) for seconds,
      C(ms), C(msec), C(msecond) and C(millisecond) for milliseconds. The suffix C(s)
      can be added to a unit as well, so C(seconds) is the same as C(second).
    - Valid strings are space separated combinations of an integer with an optional minus
      sign and a unit.
    - Examples are C(1h), C(-5m), and C(3h -5m 6s).
    required: true
    type: string


  description: Number of weeks.
  type: float