community.general.ini_file (6.6.8) — module

Tweak settings in INI files

Authors: Jan-Piet Mens (@jpmens), Ales Nosek (@noseka1)

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install community.general:==6.6.8

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: community.general
      version: 6.6.8


Manage (add, remove, change) individual settings in an INI-style file without having to manage the file as a whole with, say, M(ansible.builtin.template) or M(ansible.builtin.assemble).

Adds missing sections if they don't exist.

Before Ansible 2.0, comments are discarded when the source file is read, and therefore will not show up in the destination file.

Since Ansible 2.3, this module adds missing ending newlines to files to keep in line with the POSIX standard, even when no other modifications need to be applied.

Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
# Before Ansible 2.3, option 'dest' was used instead of 'path'
- name: Ensure "fav=lemonade is in section "[drinks]" in specified file
    path: /etc/conf
    section: drinks
    option: fav
    value: lemonade
    mode: '0600'
    backup: true
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Ensure "temperature=cold is in section "[drinks]" in specified file
    path: /etc/anotherconf
    section: drinks
    option: temperature
    value: cold
    backup: true
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Add "beverage=lemon juice" is in section "[drinks]" in specified file
    path: /etc/conf
    section: drinks
    option: beverage
    value: lemon juice
    mode: '0600'
    state: present
    exclusive: false
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Ensure multiple values "beverage=coke" and "beverage=pepsi" are in section "[drinks]" in specified file
    path: /etc/conf
    section: drinks
    option: beverage
      - coke
      - pepsi
    mode: '0600'
    state: present


    - The permissions the resulting filesystem object should have.
    - For those used to I(/usr/bin/chmod) remember that modes are actually octal numbers.
      You must give Ansible enough information to parse them correctly. For consistent
      results, quote octal numbers (for example, V('644') or V('1777')) so Ansible receives
      a string and can do its own conversion from string into number. Adding a leading
      zero (for example, V(0755)) works sometimes, but can fail in loops and some other
    - Giving Ansible a number without following either of these rules will end up with
      a decimal number which will have unexpected results.
    - As of Ansible 1.8, the mode may be specified as a symbolic mode (for example, V(u+rwx)
      or V(u=rw,g=r,o=r)).
    - If O(mode) is not specified and the destination filesystem object B(does not) exist,
      the default C(umask) on the system will be used when setting the mode for the newly
      created filesystem object.
    - If O(mode) is not specified and the destination filesystem object B(does) exist,
      the mode of the existing filesystem object will be used.
    - Specifying O(mode) is the best way to ensure filesystem objects are created with
      the correct permissions. See CVE-2020-1736 for further details.
    type: raw

    - dest
    - Path to the INI-style file; this file is created if required.
    - Before Ansible 2.3 this option was only usable as I(dest).
    required: true
    type: path

    - Name of the group that should own the filesystem object, as would be fed to I(chown).
    - When left unspecified, it uses the current group of the current user unless you
      are root, in which case it can preserve the previous ownership.
    type: str

    - Name of the user that should own the filesystem object, as would be fed to I(chown).
    - When left unspecified, it uses the current user unless you are root, in which case
      it can preserve the previous ownership.
    - Specifying a numeric username will be assumed to be a user ID and not a username.
      Avoid numeric usernames to avoid this confusion.
    type: str

    - absent
    - present
    default: present
    - If set to C(absent) and I(exclusive) set to C(true) all matching I(option) lines
      are removed.
    - If set to C(absent) and I(exclusive) set to C(false) the specified I(option=value)
      lines are removed, but the other I(option)s with the same name are not touched.
    - If set to C(present) and I(exclusive) set to C(false) the specified I(option=values)
      lines are added, but the other I(option)s with the same name are not touched.
    - If set to C(present) and I(exclusive) set to C(true) all given I(option=values)
      lines will be added and the other I(option)s with the same name are removed.
    type: str

    - The string value to be associated with an I(option).
    - May be omitted when removing an I(option).
    - Mutually exclusive with I(values).
    - I(value=v) is equivalent to I(values=[v]).
    type: str

    default: false
    - Create a backup file including the timestamp information so you can get the original
      file back if you somehow clobbered it incorrectly.
    type: bool

    default: true
    - If set to C(false), the module will fail if the file does not already exist.
    - By default it will create the file if it is missing.
    type: bool

    - If set (required for changing a I(value)), this is the name of the option.
    - May be omitted if adding/removing a whole I(section).
    type: str

    - The role part of the SELinux filesystem object context.
    - When set to V(_default), it will use the C(role) portion of the policy if available.
    type: str

    - The type part of the SELinux filesystem object context.
    - When set to V(_default), it will use the C(type) portion of the policy if available.
    type: str

    - The user part of the SELinux filesystem object context.
    - By default it uses the V(system) policy, where applicable.
    - When set to V(_default), it will use the C(user) portion of the policy if available.
    type: str

    - The string value to be associated with an I(option).
    - May be omitted when removing an I(option).
    - Mutually exclusive with I(value).
    - I(value=v) is equivalent to I(values=[v]).
    elements: str
    type: list
    version_added: 3.6.0
    version_added_collection: community.general

    - Section name in INI file. This is added if I(state=present) automatically when a
      single value is being set.
    - If left empty, being omitted, or being set to C(null), the I(option) will be placed
      before the first I(section).
    - Using C(null) is also required if the config format does not support sections.
    type: str

    - The level part of the SELinux filesystem object context.
    - This is the MLS/MCS attribute, sometimes known as the C(range).
    - When set to V(_default), it will use the C(level) portion of the policy if available.
    type: str

    default: true
    - If set to C(true) (default), all matching I(option) lines are removed when I(state=absent),
      or replaced when I(state=present).
    - If set to C(false), only the specified I(value(s)) are added when I(state=present),
      or removed when I(state=absent), and existing ones are not modified.
    type: bool
    version_added: 3.6.0
    version_added_collection: community.general

    - attr
    - The attributes the resulting filesystem object should have.
    - To get supported flags look at the man page for I(chattr) on the target system.
    - This string should contain the attributes in the same order as the one displayed
      by I(lsattr).
    - The C(=) operator is assumed as default, otherwise C(+) or C(-) operators need to
      be included in the string.
    type: str
    version_added: '2.3'
    version_added_collection: ansible.builtin

    default: false
    - Influence when to use atomic operation to prevent data corruption or inconsistent
      reads from the target filesystem object.
    - By default this module uses atomic operations to prevent data corruption or inconsistent
      reads from the target filesystem objects, but sometimes systems are configured or
      just broken in ways that prevent this. One example is docker mounted filesystem
      objects, which cannot be updated atomically from inside the container and can only
      be written in an unsafe manner.
    - This option allows Ansible to fall back to unsafe methods of updating filesystem
      objects when atomic operations fail (however, it doesn't force Ansible to perform
      unsafe writes).
    - IMPORTANT! Unsafe writes are subject to race conditions and can lead to data corruption.
    type: bool
    version_added: '2.2'
    version_added_collection: ansible.builtin

    default: false
    - Allow option without value and without '=' symbol.
    type: bool

    default: false
    - Do not insert spaces before and after '=' symbol.
    type: bool