community / community.healthchecksio / 1.3.1 / module / checks Create, delete, update, and pause checks | "added in version" 0.1.0 of community.healthchecksio" Authors: Mark Mercado (@mamercad)community.healthchecksio.checks (1.3.1) — module
Install with ansible-galaxy collection install community.healthchecksio:==1.3.1
collections: - name: community.healthchecksio version: 1.3.1
Creates a new check and returns its ping URL.
For C(state=absent), will delete the check with the given C(uuid).
For C(state=pause), will pause the check with the given C(uuid).
All request parameters are optional and will use their default values if omitted.
To create a Simple check, specify the C(timeout) parameter.
To create a Cron check, specify the C(schedule) and C(tz) parameters.
- name: Create a Simple check named "test simple" community.healthchecksio.checks: state: present name: "test simple" desc: "my simple test check" unique: ["name"] tags: ["test", "simple"] timeout: 60
- name: Create a Cron check named "test hourly" community.healthchecksio.checks: state: present name: "test hourly" unique: ["name"] tags: ["test", "hourly"] desc: "my hourly test check" schedule: "0 * * * *" tz: UTC
tz: description: - Server's timezone. This setting only has an effect in combination with the schedule parameter. required: false type: str desc: default: '' description: - Description of the check. required: false type: str name: default: '' description: - Name for the new check. required: false type: str tags: default: [] description: - Tags for the check. elements: str required: false type: list uuid: default: '' description: - Check uuid to delete when state is C(absent) or C(pause). required: false type: str grace: default: 3600 description: - A number of seconds, the grace period for this check. required: false type: int state: choices: - present - absent - pause default: present description: - C(present) will create or update a check. - C(absent) will delete a check. - C(pause) will pause a check. type: str unique: default: [] description: - Enables "upsert" functionality. - Before creating a check, looks for existing checks, filtered by fields listed in unique. - The accepted values for the unique field are C(name), C(tags), C(timeout), and C(grace). elements: str required: false type: list methods: default: '' description: - Specifies the allowed HTTP methods for making ping requests. - Must be one of the two values "" (an empty string) or "POST". - Set this field to "" (an empty string) to allow HEAD, GET, and POST requests. - Set this field to "POST" to allow only POST requests. required: false type: str timeout: description: - A number of seconds, the expected period of this check. - Minimum 60 (one minute), maximum 2592000 (30 days). required: false type: int channels: default: '' description: - By default, this API call assigns no integrations to the newly created check. - Set this field to a special value "*" to automatically assign all existing integrations. - To assign specific integrations, use a comma-separated list of integration UUIDs. required: false type: str schedule: description: - A cron expression defining this check's schedule. - If you specify both timeout and schedule parameters, will create a Cron check and ignore the timeout value. required: false type: str api_token: aliases: - api_key description: - API token. - 'There are several environment variables which can be used to provide this value:' - C(HEALTHCHECKSIO_API_TOKEN), C(HEALTHCHECKSIO_API_KEY), C(HC_API_TOKEN), C(HC_API_KEY) required: true type: str manual_resume: default: false description: - Controls whether a paused check automatically resumes when pinged (the default) or not. - If set to false, a paused check will leave the paused state when it receives a ping. - If set to true, a paused check will ignore pings and stay paused until you manually resume it from the web dashboard. required: false type: bool
data: description: Create, update, pause or delete response returned: always sample: channels: '' desc: '' grace: 3600 last_ping: null manual_resume: false methods: '' n_pings: 0 name: test next_ping: null pause_url: ping_url: schedule: '* * * * *' slug: test status: new tags: '' tz: UTC update_url: type: dict msg: description: Create, update, pause or delete message returned: always sample: New check 524d0f69-0ff3-4120-a2e2-03ebd5736b25 created type: str uuid: description: Check UUID from create or update returned: changed sample: 524d0f69-0ff3-4120-a2e2-03ebd5736b25 type: str