dellemc.vxrail.dellemc_vxrail_getsysteminfo_v4 (1.3.0) — module

Retrieve VxRail System Information

| "added in version" 1.3.0 of dellemc.vxrail"

Authors: VxRail Development Team(@VxRailDevTeam) <>

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install dellemc.vxrail:==1.3.0

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: dellemc.vxrail
      version: 1.3.0


This module will retrieve VxRail System Information.

Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
  - name: Get VxRail System Information
        vxmip: "{{ vxmip }}"
        vcadmin: "{{ vcadmin }}"
        vcpasswd: "{{ vcpasswd }}"
        timeout : "{{ timeout }}"


    description: The IP address of the VxRail Manager System
    required: true
    type: str

    default: 60
    description: Time out value for getting system information, the default value is 60
    required: false
    type: int

    description: Administrative account of the vCenter Server the VxRail Manager is registered
    required: true
    type: str

    description: The password for the administrator account provided in vcadmin
    required: true
    type: str


  description: system information summary
  returned: always
  sample: "{\n                \"cluster_host_count\": 4,\n                \"deployment_type\"\
    : [\n                    \"STANDARD\"\n                ],\n                \"\
    description\": \"A hyperconverged infrastructure appliance that combines VMware\
    \ compute,\n                networking and storage into one single system for\
    \ ease of deployment and management.\",\n                \"health\": \"Healthy\"\
    ,\n                \"installed_components\": [\n                    {\n      \
    \                  \"baseline_drifted\": false,\n                        \"component\"\
    : \"MysticManager\",\n                        \"current_version\": \"7.0.350-27282917\"\
    ,\n                        \"description\": \"The management component that orchestrates\
    \ the\\ndeployment and\n                        management of VxRail system.\"\
    ,\n                        \"multiple_version\": false,\n                    \
    \    \"name\": \"VxRail Manager\",\n                        \"supported\": true,\n\
    \                    },\n                    {\n                        \"baseline_drifted\"\
    : false,\n                        \"component\": \"Vcenter\",\n              \
    \          \"current_version\": \"7.0.3-18778458\",\n                        \"\
    description\": \"Centralized visibility, proactive management and\\nextensibility\
    \ for\n                        VMware vSphere from a single console VMware vCenter\\\
    nServer provides a centralized platform\n                        for managing\
    \ your VMware vSphere\\nenvironments, so you can automate and deliver a virtual\n\
    \                        infrastructure\\nwith confidence.\",\n              \
    \          \"multiple_version\": false,\n                        \"name\": \"\
    VMware vCenter Server Appliance\",\n                        \"supported\": true,\n\
    \                    },\n                    {\n                        \"baseline_drifted\"\
    : false,\n                        \"component\": \"VxRailVib\",\n            \
    \            \"current_version\": \"7.0.350-18878128\",\n                    \
    \    \"description\": \"VxRail Manager agent installed on ESXi.\",\n         \
    \               \"installed_time\": 1637280120832000,\n                      \
    \  \"multiple_version\": false,\n                        \"name\": \"VxRail Manager\
    \ VIB\",\n                        \"supported\": true,\n                    },\n\
    \                    {\n                        \"baseline_drifted\": false,\n\
    \                        \"component\": \"Esx\",\n                        \"current_version\"\
    : \"7.0.3-18644231\",\n                        \"description\": \"VMware ESXi\
    \ is a thin hypervisor integrated into server hardware.\n                    \
    \    The compact, hardware embedded architecture of VMware ESXi raises the bar\
    \ for security\n                        and reliability and lays the foundation\
    \ for a dynamic, automated datacenter.\",\n                        \"installed_time\"\
    : 1637280120832000,\n                        \"multiple_version\": false,\n  \
    \                      \"name\": \"VMware ESXi\",\n                        \"\
    supported\": true,\n                    }\n                ],\n              \
    \  \"installed_time\": 1637282371606,\n                \"is_external_vc\": false,\n\
    \                \"logical_view_status\": false,\n                \"network_connected\"\
    : true,\n                \"satellite_host_count\": 0,\n                \"shared_storage\"\
    : [\n                    {\n                        \"datastore_id\": \"datastore-12\"\
    ,\n                        \"is_primary\": true,\n                        \"name\"\
    : \"VxRail-Virtual-SAN-Datastore-ea21cec8-7a09-4e5b-8fea-39cffbb817a7\",\n   \
    \                     \"protocol\": \"VSAN\",\n                        \"type\"\
    : \"VSAN\"\n                    }\n                ],\n                \"vc_connected\"\
    : true,\n                \"version\": \"7.0.350-27282917\"\n            }\n  \
    \      ]\n    },\n    \"changed\": false,\n    \"failed\": false\n}"
  type: dict