dellemc.vxrail.dellemc_vxrail_customer_supplied_hosts (2.2.0) — module

Return nodes by customer supplied management IP

| "added in version" 1.5.0 of dellemc.vxrail"

Authors: VxRail Development Team(@VxRailDevTeam) <>

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install dellemc.vxrail:==2.2.0

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: dellemc.vxrail
      version: 2.2.0


This module will retrieve customer-supplied node information from given management IP addresses

Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
  - name: Return nodes by customer supplied management IP
        vxmip: "{{ vxmip }}"
        hosts: "{{ hosts }}"
        timeout : "{{ timeout }}"
        api_version_number: "{{ api_version_number }}"


    description: "The list of hosts to search for. Management_ip being the address of\
      \ the node to collect and current_root_password (optional) being the node's esxi\
      \ root password. Uses default esxi root password if omitted. Should be in the following\
      \ format: \n [{ 'management_ip': '', 'current_root_password': 'xxxxxxxx'\
      \ }, { 'management_ip': '', 'current_root_password': 'xxxxxxxx' }]\
      \ \n"
    required: true
    type: list

    description: The IP address of the VxRail Manager System
    required: true
    type: str

    default: 60
    description: Time out value for getting hosts information, the default value is 60
    required: false
    type: int

    description: A specific version number to use for the API call. If not included, will
      use the highest version by default
    required: false
    type: int


  description: Customer-supplied hosts information summary
  returned: always
  sample: "{\n    \"version\": \"2.0\",\n    \"nodes\": [\n        {\n           \
    \ \"esxi_version\": \"7.0.3-19580434\",\n            \"vxm_system_version\": \"\
    7.0.400-27513417\",\n            \"evo_uuid\": \"564d86b7-aaf1-5d17-b278-675c97b94c7b\"\
    ,\n            \"primary_ip\": \"fe80::250:56ff:fe6b:78d6%eth1\",\n          \
    \  \"idrac_ip\": \"\",\n            \"idrac_ipv6\": \"::\",\n  \
    \          \"ip\": \"\",\n            \"ipv6\": \"\",\n         \
    \   \"asset_tag\": \"V010101-01-01\",\n            \"serial_number\": \"V010101\"\
    ,\n            \"primary\": true,\n            \"model\": \"VxRail E560\",\n \
    \           \"id\": {\n                \"appliance_id\": \"V0101010000000\",\n\
    \                \"position\": 1,\n                \"total_supported_nodes\":\
    \ 1\n            },\n            \"uuid\": {\n                \"host\": \"04152c42-397a-cf92-c3bc-8b71ec2be299\"\
    \n            },\n            \"ssl_thumbprint\": \"04:50:0C.....<ommited>....1C:0A:3A:77\"\
    ,\n            \"ssh_thumbprint\": \"abdce.....<ommited>.....wxyz\",\n       \
    \     \"configuration_state\": \"UNCONFIGURED\",\n            \"hardware_profile\"\
    : {\n                \"nics\": [\n                    {\n                    \
    \    \"name\": \"vmnic0\",\n                        \"speed\": 10000,\n      \
    \                  \"port_info\": \"Slot: 1, Port: 1\",\n                    \
    \    \"product_name\": \"Intel(R) Ethernet 10G 4P X550 rNDC\"\n              \
    \      },\n                    {\n                        \"name\": \"vmnic1\"\
    ,\n                        \"speed\": 10000,\n                        \"port_info\"\
    : \"Slot: 1, Port: 2\",\n                        \"product_name\": \"Intel(R)\
    \ Ethernet 10G 4P X550 rNDC\"\n                    },\n                    {\n\
    \                        \"name\": \"vmnic2\",\n                        \"speed\"\
    : 10000,\n                        \"port_info\": \"Slot: 1, Port: 3\",\n     \
    \                   \"product_name\": \"Intel(R) Ethernet 10G 4P X550 rNDC\"\n\
    \                    },\n                    {\n                        \"name\"\
    : \"vmnic3\",\n                        \"speed\": 10000,\n                   \
    \     \"port_info\": \"Slot: 1, Port: 4\",\n                        \"product_name\"\
    : \"Intel(R) Ethernet 10G 4P X550 rNDC\"\n                    }\n            \
    \    ],\n                \"disks\": [\n                    {\n               \
    \         \"ssd\": true,\n                        \"blocks\": 83886080,\n    \
    \                    \"block_size\": 512\n                    },\n           \
    \         {\n                        \"ssd\": true,\n                        \"\
    blocks\": 83886080,\n                        \"block_size\": 512\n           \
    \         },\n                    {\n                        \"ssd\": false,\n\
    \                        \"blocks\": 1258291200,\n                        \"block_size\"\
    : 512\n                    },\n                    {\n                       \
    \ \"ssd\": false,\n                        \"blocks\": 1258291200,\n         \
    \               \"block_size\": 512\n                    }\n                ],\n\
    \                \"cpu\": {\n                    \"cores\": 16,\n            \
    \        \"speed\": 2893\n                },\n                \"memory\": {\n\
    \                    \"size\": 49150\n                }\n            },\n    \
    \        \"storage_types\": [\n                \"LOCAL\"\n            ]\n    \
    \    },\n        {\n            \"esxi_version\": \"7.0.3-19580434\",\n      \
    \      \"vxm_system_version\": \"7.0.400-27513417\",\n            \"evo_uuid\"\
    : \"564d8f3f-490e-d816-f39c-d35c8f68347b\",\n            \"primary_ip\": \"fe80::250:56ff:fe6b:7218%eth1\"\
    ,\n            \"idrac_ip\": \"\",\n            \"idrac_ipv6\":\
    \ \"::\",\n            \"ip\": \"\",\n            \"ipv6\": \"\"\
    ,\n            \"asset_tag\": \"V010104-01-01\",\n            \"serial_number\"\
    : \"V010104\",\n            \"primary\": false,\n            \"model\": \"VxRail\
    \ E560\",\n            \"id\": {\n                \"appliance_id\": \"V0101040000000\"\
    ,\n                \"position\": 1,\n                \"total_supported_nodes\"\
    : 1\n            },\n            \"uuid\": {\n                \"host\": \"36b32c42-8555-f06e-b8a3-87a7c6d9e536\"\
    \n            },\n            \"ssl_thumbprint\": \"04:50:0C.....<ommited>....1C:0A:3A:77\"\
    ,\n            \"ssh_thumbprint\": \"abdce.....<ommited>.....wxyz\",\n       \
    \     \"configuration_state\": \"UNCONFIGURED\",\n            \"hardware_profile\"\
    : {\n                \"nics\": [\n                    {\n                    \
    \    \"name\": \"vmnic0\",\n                        \"speed\": 10000,\n      \
    \                  \"port_info\": \"Slot: 1, Port: 1\",\n                    \
    \    \"product_name\": \"Intel(R) Ethernet 10G 4P X550 rNDC\"\n              \
    \      },\n                    {\n                        \"name\": \"vmnic1\"\
    ,\n                        \"speed\": 10000,\n                        \"port_info\"\
    : \"Slot: 1, Port: 2\",\n                        \"product_name\": \"Intel(R)\
    \ Ethernet 10G 4P X550 rNDC\"\n                    },\n                    {\n\
    \                        \"name\": \"vmnic2\",\n                        \"speed\"\
    : 10000,\n                        \"port_info\": \"Slot: 1, Port: 3\",\n     \
    \                   \"product_name\": \"Intel(R) Ethernet 10G 4P X550 rNDC\"\n\
    \                    },\n                    {\n                        \"name\"\
    : \"vmnic3\",\n                        \"speed\": 10000,\n                   \
    \     \"port_info\": \"Slot: 1, Port: 4\",\n                        \"product_name\"\
    : \"Intel(R) Ethernet 10G 4P X550 rNDC\"\n                    }\n            \
    \    ],\n                \"disks\": [\n                    {\n               \
    \         \"ssd\": true,\n                        \"blocks\": 83886080,\n    \
    \                    \"block_size\": 512\n                    },\n           \
    \         {\n                        \"ssd\": true,\n                        \"\
    blocks\": 83886080,\n                        \"block_size\": 512\n           \
    \         },\n                    {\n                        \"ssd\": false,\n\
    \                        \"blocks\": 1258291200,\n                        \"block_size\"\
    : 512\n                    },\n                    {\n                       \
    \ \"ssd\": false,\n                        \"blocks\": 1258291200,\n         \
    \               \"block_size\": 512\n                    }\n                ],\n\
    \                \"cpu\": {\n                    \"cores\": 16,\n            \
    \        \"speed\": 2893\n                },\n                \"memory\": {\n\
    \                    \"size\": 49150\n                }\n            },\n    \
    \        \"storage_types\": [\n                \"LOCAL\"\n            ]\n    \
    \    },\n        {\n        \"esxi_version\": \"7.0.3-19899595\",\n        \"\
    vxm_system_version\": \"7.0.400-27589497\",\n        \"evo_uuid\": \"564dec59-dbf0-a821-2a01-a7b704b9f677\"\
    ,\n        \"primary_ip\": \"fe80::250:56ff:fe62:5868%eth1\",\n        \"fallback_ip\"\
    : \"\",\n        \"idrac_ip\": \"\",\n        \"ip\": \"\"\
    ,\n        \"asset_tag\": \"V010305-01-01\",\n        \"serial_number\": \"V010305\"\
    ,\n        \"primary\": false,\n        \"model\": \"VxRail P570F\",\n       \
    \ \"id\": {\n            \"appliance_id\": \"V0103050000000\",\n            \"\
    position\": 1,\n            \"total_supported_nodes\": 1\n        },\n       \
    \ \"uuid\": {\n            \"host\": \"d24d2042-1040-8581-b266-cf5f4438f3a4\"\n\
    \        },\n        \"ssl_thumbprint\": \"97:E0:26:FA:DC:2D:55:55:98:40:85:3A:2E:5C:9A:A4:52:95:4A:8D\"\
    ,\n        \"ssh_thumbprint\": \"fZftZF7CqDpaLUHB2VxvhTYOseEt59fcPK+28njwLOs\"\
    ,\n        \"configuration_state\": \"UNCONFIGURED\",\n        \"hardware_profile\"\
    : {\n            \"nics\": [\n                {\n                    \"name\"\
    : \"vmnic0\",\n                    \"speed\": 10000,\n                    \"port_info\"\
    : \"Slot: 1, Port: 1\",\n                    \"product_name\": \"Intel(R) Ethernet\
    \ 10G 4P X550 rNDC\"\n                },\n                {\n                \
    \    \"name\": \"vmnic1\",\n                    \"speed\": 10000,\n          \
    \          \"port_info\": \"Slot: 1, Port: 2\",\n                    \"product_name\"\
    : \"Intel(R) Ethernet 10G 4P X550 rNDC\"\n                },\n               \
    \ {\n                    \"name\": \"vmnic2\",\n                    \"speed\"\
    : 10000,\n                    \"port_info\": \"Slot: 1, Port: 3\",\n         \
    \           \"product_name\": \"Intel(R) Ethernet 10G 4P X550 rNDC\"\n       \
    \         },\n                {\n                    \"name\": \"vmnic3\",\n \
    \                   \"speed\": 10000,\n                    \"port_info\": \"Slot:\
    \ 1, Port: 4\",\n                    \"product_name\": \"Intel(R) Ethernet 10G\
    \ 4P X550 rNDC\"\n                }\n            ],\n            \"disks\": [\n\
    \                {\n                    \"ssd\": true,\n                    \"\
    blocks\": 335544320,\n                    \"block_size\": 512\n              \
    \  },\n                {\n                    \"ssd\": true,\n               \
    \     \"blocks\": 335544320,\n                    \"block_size\": 512\n      \
    \          },\n                {\n                    \"ssd\": true,\n       \
    \             \"blocks\": 3355443200,\n                    \"block_size\": 512\n\
    \                },\n                {\n                    \"ssd\": true,\n \
    \                   \"blocks\": 3355443200,\n                    \"block_size\"\
    : 512\n                }\n            ],\n            \"cpu\": {\n           \
    \     \"cores\": 32,\n                \"speed\": 2095\n            },\n      \
    \      \"memory\": {\n                \"size\": 196606\n            }\n      \
    \  }\n    ]\n}"
  type: dict