dellemc.vxrail.dellemc_vxrail_system_getprecheckprofiles (2.2.0) — module

Retrieve the list precheck profiles.

| "added in version" 1.5.0 of dellemc.vxrail"

Authors: VxRail Development Team(@VxRailDevTeam) <>

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install dellemc.vxrail:==2.2.0

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: dellemc.vxrail
      version: 2.2.0


Get a list of available precheck profiles. Each profile represents a different type of precheck that you can perform.

Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
  - name: Get system precheck profiles information
        vxmip: "{{ vxmip }}"
        vcadmin: "{{ vcadmin }}"
        vcpasswd: "{{ vcpasswd }}"
        timeout: "{{ timeout }}"
        api_version_number: "{{ api_version_number }}"


    description: The IP address of the VxRail Manager System
    required: true
    type: str

    default: 60
    description: Time out value for getting system precheck profiles information, the
      default value is 60 seconds
    required: false
    type: int

    description: Administrative account of the vCenter Server the VxRail Manager is registered
    required: true
    type: str

    description: The password for the administrator account provided in vcadmin
    required: true
    type: str

    description: A specific version number to use for the API call. If not included, will
      use the highest version by default
    required: false
    type: int


  description: List precheck profiles
  returned: always
  sample: "{\n    \"description\": \"This is to check if new node is compatible with\
    \ the configured nodes in the cluster.\n    It is used in the scenario that user\
    \ perform a validation before performing node expansion.\n    When the precheck\
    \ is run by calling /v1/system/precheck with the profile, the parameter node_list\
    \ is required\",\n    \"profile\": \"NODE_EXPANSION\"\n}, {\n    \"description\"\
    : \"This is used to check pre-upgrade issues before performing VxRail System upgrade.\n\
    \    When the precheck is run by calling /v1/system/precheck with the profile,\
    \ the parameters vxm_root_user,\n    vc_admin_user, vc_root_user, witness_spec\
    \ and migration_spec are expected.\",\n    \"profile\": \"PRE_UPGRADE\"\n}, {\n\
    \    \"description\": \"This is used for daily proactive precheck.  E.g. checking\
    \ whether specific critical\n    VC/VSAN alarms have been triggered.   When the\
    \ precheck is run by calling /v1/system/precheck with\n    the profile, the parameter\
    \ vc_admin_user is optional.\",\n    \"profile\": \"PROACTIVE_HEALTH\"\n}"
  type: dict