f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_asm_policy_signature_set (1.28.0) — module

Manages Signature Sets on an ASM policy

| "added in version" 1.0.0 of f5networks.f5_modules"

Authors: Wojciech Wypior (@wojtek0806)

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install f5networks.f5_modules:==1.28.0

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: f5networks.f5_modules
      version: 1.28.0


Manages Signature Sets on an ASM policy.

Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Add Signature Set to ASM Policy
    name: IIS and Windows Signatures
    policy_name: FooPolicy
      password: secret
      server: lb.mydomain.com
      user: admin
  delegate_to: localhost
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Remove Signature Set to ASM Policy
    name: IIS and Windows Signatures
    policy_name: FooPolicy
    state: absent
      password: secret
      server: lb.mydomain.com
      user: admin
  delegate_to: localhost


    - Specifies the name of the signature sets to apply to, or remove from, the ASM policy.
    - Apart from built-in signature sets that ship with the device, you can create and
      use custom signature sets.
    - When C(All Response Signatures), configures all signatures in the attack signature
      pool that can review responses.
    - When C(All Signatures), configures all attack signatures in the attack signature
    - When C(Apache Struts Signatures), configures signatures that target attacks against
      the Apache Struts web servers. Only available in version 13.x and later.
    - When C(Apache Tomcat Signatures), configures signatures that target attacks against
      the Apache Tomcat web servers. Only available in version 13.x and later.
    - When C(Cisco Signatures), configures signatures that target attacks against Cisco
      systems. Only available in version 13.x and later.
    - When C(Command Execution Signatures), configures signatures involving attacks perpetrated
      by executing commands.
    - When C(Cross Site Scripting Signatures), configures signatures that target attacks
      caused by cross-site scripting techniques.
    - When C(Directory Indexing Signatures), configures signatures targeting attacks that
      browse directory listings.
    - When C(Generic Detection Signatures), configures signatures targeting well-known
      or common web and application attacks.
    - When C(HTTP Response Splitting Signatures), configures signatures targeting attacks
      that take advantage of responses for which input values have not been sanitized.
    - When C(High Accuracy Detection Evasion Signatures), configures signatures with a
      high level of accuracy that produce few false positives when identifying evasion
      attacks. Only available in version 13.x and later.
    - When C(High Accuracy Signatures), configures signatures with a high level of accuracy
      that produce few false positives when identifying evasion attacks.
    - When C(IIS and Windows Signatures), configures signatures that target attacks against
      Microsoft IIS and Windows-based systems. Only available in version 13.x and later.
    - When C(Information Leakage Signatures), configures signatures targeting attacks
      that are looking for system data or debugging information that shows where the system
      is vulnerable to attack.
    - When C(Java Servlets/JSP Signatures), configures signatures that target attacks
      against Java Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP) based applications. Only available
      in version 13.x and later.
    - When C(Low Accuracy Signatures), configures signatures that may result in more false
      positives when identifying attacks.
    - When C(Medium Accuracy Signatures), configures signatures with a medium level of
      accuracy when identifying attacks.
    - When C(OS Command Injection Signatures), configures signatures targeting attacks
      that attempt to run system level commands through a vulnerable application.
    - When C(OWA Signatures), configures signatures that target attacks against the Microsoft
      Outlook Web Access (OWA) application.
    - When C(Other Application Attacks Signatures), configures signatures targeting miscellaneous
      attacks, including session fixation, local file access, injection attempts, header
      tampering and so on, affecting many applications.
    - When C(Path Traversal Signatures), configures signatures targeting attacks that
      attempt to access files and directories that are stored outside the web root folder.
    - When C(Predictable Resource Location Signatures), configures signatures targeting
      attacks that attempt to uncover hidden website content and functionality by forceful
      browsing, or by directory and file enumeration.
    - When C(Remote File Include Signatures), configures signatures targeting attacks
      that attempt to exploit a remote file include vulnerability that could enable a
      remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands on the server hosting the application.
    - When C(SQL Injection Signatures), configures signatures targeting attacks that attempt
      to insert (inject) a SQL query using the input data from a client to an application.
    - When C(Server Side Code Injection Signatures), configures signatures targeting code
      injection attacks on the server side.
    - When C(WebSphere signatures), configures signatures targeting attacks on many computing
      platforms that are integrated using WebSphere, including general database, Microsoft
      Windows, IIS, Microsoft SQL Server, Apache, Oracle, Unix/Linux, IBM DB2, PostgreSQL,
      and XML.
    - When C(XPath Injection Signatures), configures signatures targeting attacks that
      attempt to gain access to data structures or bypass permissions when a web site
      uses user-supplied information to construct XPath queries for XML data.
    required: true
    type: str

    - Specifies if the security policy logs the request data in the Statistics screen
      when a request matches a signature that is included in the signature set.
    type: bool

    - Effective when the security policy enforcement mode is Blocking.
    - Determines how the system treats requests that match a signature included in the
      signature set.
    - When C(true), the system blocks all requests that match a signature, and provides
      the client with a support ID number.
    - When C(false), the system accepts those requests.
    type: bool

    - Specifies if the security policy learns all requests that match a signature that
      is included in the signature set.
    type: bool

    - present
    - absent
    default: present
    - When C(present), ensures the resource exists.
    - When C(absent), ensures the resource is removed.
    type: str

    - A dict object containing connection details.
        - Configures the auth provider for to obtain authentication tokens from the remote
        - This option is really used when working with BIG-IQ devices.
        type: str
        default: false
        - If C(yes), TEEM telemetry data is not sent to F5.
        - You may omit this option by setting the environment variable C(F5_TELEMETRY_OFF).
        - Previously used variable C(F5_TEEM) is deprecated as its name was confusing.
        type: bool
        - pass
        - pwd
        - The password for the user account used to connect to the BIG-IP or the BIG-IQ.
        - You may omit this option by setting the environment variable C(F5_PASSWORD).
        required: true
        type: str
        - The BIG-IP host or the BIG-IQ host.
        - You may omit this option by setting the environment variable C(F5_SERVER).
        required: true
        type: str
        default: 443
        - The BIG-IP server port.
        - You may omit this option by setting the environment variable C(F5_SERVER_PORT).
        type: int
        - Specifies the timeout in seconds for communicating with the network device for
          either connecting or sending commands.  If the timeout is exceeded before the
          operation is completed, the module will error.
        type: int
        - rest
        default: rest
        - Configures the transport connection to use when connecting to the remote device.
        type: str
        - The username to connect to the BIG-IP or the BIG-IQ. This user must have administrative
          privileges on the device.
        - You may omit this option by setting the environment variable C(F5_USER).
        required: true
        type: str
        default: true
        - If C(no), SSL certificates are not validated. Use this only on personally controlled
          sites using self-signed certificates.
        - You may omit this option by setting the environment variable C(F5_VALIDATE_CERTS).
        type: bool
    type: dict
    version_added: 1.0.0
    version_added_collection: f5networks.f5_modules

    default: Common
    - This parameter is only used when identifying an ASM policy.
    type: str

    - Specifies the name of an existing ASM policy to add or remove signature sets to.
    required: true
    type: str


  description: Specifies whether the security policy logs the request data in the
    Statistics screen.
  returned: changed
  sample: true
  type: bool
  description: Determines how the system treats requests that match a signature included
    in the signature set.
  returned: changed
  sample: false
  type: bool
  description: Specifies if the policy learns all requests that match a signature
    that is included in the signature set.
  returned: changed
  sample: true
  type: bool
  description: The name of the Signature Set added/removed on an ASM policy.
  returned: changed
  sample: Cisco Signatures
  type: str
  description: The name of the ASM policy.
  returned: changed
  sample: FooPolicy
  type: str