hyperledger.fabric_ansible_collection.channel_member (2.0.7) — module

Manage a member for a Hyperledger Fabric channel

Authors: Simon Stone (@sstone1)

preview | supported by community

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install hyperledger.fabric_ansible_collection:==2.0.7

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: hyperledger.fabric_ansible_collection
      version: 2.0.7


Add, update, and remove members for a Hyperledger Fabric channel.

This module works with the IBM Support for Hyperledger Fabric software or the Hyperledger Fabric Open Source Stack running in a Red Hat OpenShift or Kubernetes cluster.

Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Add the organization to the channel
    state: present
    api_endpoint: https://console.example.org:32000
    api_authtype: basic
    api_key: xxxxxxxx
    api_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    organization: Org2
    path: channel_config.bin
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Update the organization in the channel with anchor peers
    state: present
    api_endpoint: https://console.example.org:32000
    api_authtype: basic
    api_key: xxxxxxxx
    api_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    organization: Org2
    path: channel_config.bin
      - Org2 Peer
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Remove the organization from the channel
    state: absent
    api_endpoint: https://console.example.org:32000
    api_authtype: basic
    api_key: xxxxxxxx
    api_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    organization: Org2
    path: channel_config.bin


    - Path to current the channel configuration file.
    - This file can be fetched by using the M(channel_config) module.
    - This file will be updated in place. You will need to keep a copy of the original
      file for computing the configuration update.
    required: true
    type: str

    - absent
    - present
    default: present
    - C(absent) - An organization matching the specified name will be removed from the
    - C(present) - Asserts that an organization matching the specified name and configuration
      exists in the channel. If no organization matches the specified name, the organization
      will be added to the channel. If an organization matches the specified name but
      the configuration does not match, then the organization in the channel will be updated.
    type: str

    - The API key for the Fabric operations console.
    required: true
    type: str

    - The set of policies for the channel member. The keys are the policy names, and the
      values are the policies.
    - You can pass strings, which are paths to JSON files containing policies in the Hyperledger
      Fabric format (common.Policy).
    - You can also pass a dict, which must correspond to a parsed policy in the Hyperledger
      Fabric format (common.Policy).
    - Default policies are provided for the Admins, Writers, Readers, and Endorsement
      policies. You only need to provide policies if you want to override these default
      policies, or add additional policies.
    type: dict

    - The API secret for the Fabric operations console.
    - Only required when I(api_authtype) is C(basic).
    type: str

    default: 60
    - The timeout, in seconds, to use when interacting with the Fabric operations console.
    type: int

    - The anchor peers for this organization in this channel.
    - You can pass strings, which are the names of peers that are registered with the
      Fabric operations console.
    - You can also pass a dict, which must match the result format of one of the M(peer_info)
      or M(peer) modules.
    elements: raw
    type: list

    - C(basic) - Authenticate to the Fabric operations console using basic authentication.
      You must provide both a valid API key using I(api_key) and API secret using I(api_secret).
    required: true
    type: str

    - The URL for the Fabric operations console.
    required: true
    type: str

    - The organization to add, update, or remove from the channel.
    - You can pass a string, which is the display name of an organization registered with
      the Fabric operations console.
    - You can also pass a dictionary, which must match the result format of one of the
      M(organization_info) or M(organization[]) modules.
    required: true
    type: raw