ibm.ibm_zos_core.zos_backup_restore (1.9.0) — module

Backup and restore data sets and volumes

| "added in version" 1.3.0 of ibm.ibm_zos_core"

Authors: Blake Becker (@blakeinate)

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install ibm.ibm_zos_core:==1.9.0

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: ibm.ibm_zos_core
      version: 1.9.0


Create and restore from backups of data sets and volumes.

Data set backups are performed using logical dumps, volume backups are performed using physical dumps.

Backups are compressed using AMATERSE.

Backups are created by first dumping data sets with ADRDSSU, followed by compression with AMATERSE.

Restoration is performed by first decompressing an archive with AMATERSE, then restoring with ADRDSSU.

Since ADRDSSU and AMATERSE are used to create and restore backups, backups can be restored to systems where Ansible and ZOAU are not available. Conversely, dumps created with ADRDSSU and AMATERSE can be restored using this module.

Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Backup all data sets matching the pattern USER.** to data set MY.BACKUP.DZP
    operation: backup
      include: user.**
    backup_name: MY.BACKUP.DZP
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Backup all data sets matching the patterns USER.** or PRIVATE.TEST.*
    excluding data sets matching the pattern USER.PRIVATE.* to data set MY.BACKUP.DZP
    operation: backup
        - user.**
        - private.test.*
      exclude: user.private.*
    backup_name: MY.BACKUP.DZP
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Backup all datasets matching the pattern USER.** to UNIX file /tmp/temp_backup.dzp, ignore recoverable errors.
    operation: backup
      include: user.**
    backup_name: /tmp/temp_backup.dzp
    recover: yes
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Backup all datasets matching the pattern USER.** to data set MY.BACKUP.DZP,
    allocate 100MB for data sets used in backup process.
    operation: backup
      include: user.**
    backup_name: MY.BACKUP.DZP
    space: 100
    space_type: M
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name:
    Backup all datasets matching the pattern USER.** that are present on the volume MYVOL1 to data set MY.BACKUP.DZP,
    allocate 100MB for data sets used in the backup process.
    operation: backup
      include: user.**
    volume: MYVOL1
    backup_name: MY.BACKUP.DZP
    space: 100
    space_type: M
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Backup an entire volume, MYVOL1, to the UNIX file /tmp/temp_backup.dzp,
    allocate 1GB for data sets used in backup process.
    operation: backup
    backup_name: /tmp/temp_backup.dzp
    volume: MYVOL1
    full_volume: yes
    space: 1
    space_type: G
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Restore data sets from backup stored in the UNIX file /tmp/temp_backup.dzp.
    Use z/OS username as new HLQ.
    operation: restore
    backup_name: /tmp/temp_backup.dzp
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Restore data sets from backup stored in the UNIX file /tmp/temp_backup.dzp.
    Only restore data sets whose last, or only qualifier is TEST.
    Use MYHLQ as the new HLQ for restored data sets.
    operation: restore
      include: "**.TEST"
    backup_name: /tmp/temp_backup.dzp
    hlq: MYHLQ
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Restore data sets from backup stored in the UNIX file /tmp/temp_backup.dzp.
    Only restore data sets whose last, or only qualifier is TEST.
    Use MYHLQ as the new HLQ for restored data sets. Restore data sets to volume MYVOL2.
    operation: restore
      include: "**.TEST"
    volume: MYVOL2
    backup_name: /tmp/temp_backup.dzp
    hlq: MYHLQ
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Restore data sets from backup stored in the data set MY.BACKUP.DZP.
    Use MYHLQ as the new HLQ for restored data sets.
    operation: restore
    backup_name: MY.BACKUP.DZP
    hlq: MYHLQ
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Restore volume from backup stored in the data set MY.BACKUP.DZP.
    Restore to volume MYVOL2.
    operation: restore
    volume: MYVOL2
    full_volume: yes
    backup_name: MY.BACKUP.DZP
    space: 1
    space_type: G
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Restore data sets from backup stored in the UNIX file /tmp/temp_backup.dzp.
    Specify DB2SMS10 for the SMS storage and management classes to use for the restored
    data sets.
    operation: restore
    volume: MYVOL2
    backup_name: /tmp/temp_backup.dzp
    sms_storage_class: DB2SMS10
    sms_management_class: DB2SMS10


    - Specifies the new HLQ to use for the data sets being restored.
    - Defaults to running user's username.
    required: false
    type: str

    - size
    - If I(operation=backup), specifies the amount of space to allocate for the backup.
      Please note that even when backing up to a UNIX file, backup contents will be temporarily
      held in a data set.
    - If I(operation=restore), specifies the amount of space to allocate for data sets
      temporarily created during the restore process.
    - The unit of space used is set using I(space_type).
    - When I(full_volume=True), I(space) defaults to C(1), otherwise default is C(25)
    required: false
    type: int

    - This applies to both data set restores and volume restores.
    - When I(operation=backup) and I(data_sets) are provided, specifies the volume that
      contains the data sets to backup.
    - When I(operation=restore), specifies the volume the backup should be restored to.
    - I(volume) is required when restoring a full volume backup.
    required: false
    type: str

    default: false
    - Specifies if potentially recoverable errors should be ignored.
    type: bool

    - Determines which data sets to include in the backup.
    required: false
        - When I(operation=backup), specifies a list of data sets or data set patterns
          to exclude from the backup.
        - When I(operation=restore), specifies a list of data sets or data set patterns
          to exclude when restoring from a backup.
        - The single asterisk, C(*), is used in place of exactly one qualifier. In addition,
          it can be used to indicate that only part of a qualifier has been specified."
        - When used with other qualifiers, the double asterisk, C(**), indicates either
          the nonexistence of leading, trailing, or middle qualifiers, or the fact that
          they play no role in the selection process.
        - Two asterisks are the maximum permissible in a qualifier. If there are two asterisks
          in a qualifier, they must be the first and last characters.
        - A question mark C(?) or percent sign C(%) matches a single character.
        required: false
        type: raw
        - When I(operation=backup), specifies a list of data sets or data set patterns
          to include in the backup.
        - When I(operation=restore), specifies a list of data sets or data set patterns
          to include when restoring from a backup.
        - The single asterisk, C(*), is used in place of exactly one qualifier. In addition,
          it can be used to indicate to DFSMSdss that only part of a qualifier has been
        - When used with other qualifiers, the double asterisk, C(**), indicates either
          the nonexistence of leading, trailing, or middle qualifiers, or the fact that
          they play no role in the selection process.
        - Two asterisks are the maximum permissible in a qualifier. If there are two asterisks
          in a qualifier, they must be the first and last characters.
        - A question mark C(?) or percent sign C(%) matches a single character.
        required: false
        type: raw
    type: dict

    - backup
    - restore
    - Used to specify the operation to perform.
    required: true
    type: str

    default: false
    - When I(operation=backup), specifies if an existing data set or UNIX file matching
      I(backup_name) should be deleted.
    - When I(operation=restore), specifies if the module should overwrite existing data
      sets with matching name on the target device.
    type: bool

    - unit
    - K
    - M
    - G
    - CYL
    - TRK
    - The unit of measurement to use when defining data set space.
    - Valid units of size are C(K), C(M), C(G), C(CYL), and C(TRK).
    - When I(full_volume=True), I(space_type) defaults to C(G), otherwise default is C(M)
    required: false
    type: str

    - When I(operation=backup), the destination data set or UNIX file to hold the backup.
    - When I(operation=restore), the destination data set or UNIX file backup to restore.
    - There are no enforced conventions for backup names. However, using a common extension
      like C(.dzp) for UNIX files and C(.DZP) for data sets will improve readability.
    required: true
    type: str

    default: false
    - When I(operation=backup) and I(full_volume=True), specifies that the entire volume
      provided to I(volume) should be backed up.
    - When I(operation=restore) and I(full_volume=True), specifies that the volume should
      be restored (default is dataset).
    - I(volume) must be provided when I(full_volume=True).
    required: false
    type: bool

    - dest_volume
    - Specifies a particular volume on which the temporary data sets should be created
      during the backup and restore process.
    - When I(operation=backup) and I(backup_name) is a data set, specifies the volume
      the backup should be placed in.
    required: false
    type: str

    - When I(operation=restore), specifies the storage class to use. The storage class
      will also be used for temporary data sets created during restore process.
    - When I(operation=backup), specifies the storage class to use for temporary data
      sets created during backup process.
    - If neither of I(sms_storage_class) or I(sms_management_class) are specified, the
      z/OS system's Automatic Class Selection (ACS) routines will be used.
    required: false
    type: str

    - When I(operation=restore), specifies the management class to use. The management
      class will also be used for temporary data sets created during restore process.
    - When I(operation=backup), specifies the management class to use for temporary data
      sets created during backup process.
    - If neither of I(sms_storage_class) or I(sms_management_class) are specified, the
      z/OS system's Automatic Class Selection (ACS) routines will be used.
    required: false
    type: str