jaybeede.linux_desktop.gnome_extensions (2.0.9) — module

Manage gnome extensions

| "added in version" 2.0.0 of jaybeede.linux_desktop"

Authors: JayBee

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install jaybeede.linux_desktop:==2.0.9

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: jaybeede.linux_desktop
      version: 2.0.9


Ansible Module to manage (install, update, uninstall, enable, disable) gnome extensions. Gnome extensions can be downloaded from official community website, from the GitHub extension repo, or directly from a custom private or public URL. When run as root, gnome extension will be system wide otherwise will be user wide installed.


    description: GitHub or public GitLab extension repo URL or custom URL pointing at
      the archive containing the extension. Note that extension uuid can also be precised
      instead if extension is already installed on the target system.
    required: true

    description: force extension to be installed even if written as not compatible with
      your gnome version
    required: false

    description: install, enable (install if not already installed, default value), disable,
      uninstall (disable then uninstall)
    required: false

    description: specific version to be installed, no updates if provided. If provided,
      updates will not be installed. Please also ensure the version is supported by your
      gnome shell version. By default, if not provided the latest version supported by
      your gnome shell will be downloaded. Option not supported (ignored) when a custom
      URL is provided and/or action is disable or uninstall
    required: false

    description: personal GitHub token. If provided, in case GitHub repo URL is provided,
      calls to GitHub API will be limited to 1000 per hour instead of 60 per hour
    required: false

    description: personal GitLab token. If provided, in case GitLab repo URL is provided,
      calls to GitLab API will be limited to 2000 per minute instead of 500 per minute
      (tokenGitlab might never be necessary in this ansible module)
    required: false


  description: return the dict describing the created desktop file