kembitnl.topdesk.operator (1.0.2) — lookup

Looks up an operator based on an email address

Authors: unknown

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install kembitnl.topdesk:==1.0.2

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: kembitnl.topdesk
      version: 1.0.2


Performs an operator lookup based on an email address

The Topdesk environment variables should be set, see the README.


    default: None
    description: The email address of the operator
    required: true
    type: str

    default: id
    description: Optional name of the column to return. If 'all' is used, the entire operator
      object is returned. When omitted, the ID of the operator is returned.
    required: false
    type: str


Requested column name:
  description: Comma separated string with the branch IDs (or an array in case of
    a query instead of a lookup)
  returned: on success
  sample: CskezwOMYDhzdnjRGKDLVFPQBTH
  type: str