ktdreyer.errata_tool_ansible.errata_tool_request (0.0.339) — module

Perform low-level HTTP requests to Errata Tool

Authors: unknown

preview | supported by community

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install ktdreyer.errata_tool_ansible:==0.0.339

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: ktdreyer.errata_tool_ansible
      version: 0.0.339


Perform direct HTTP requests to the Errata Tool.

This module is like Ansible's core "uri" module, except this respects the ERRATA_TOOL_URL and ERRATA_TOOL_AUTH variables and can perform SPENEGO (GSSAPI) authentication.

Why would you use this module instead of the higher level modules like errata_tool_product, errata_tool_user, etc? This errata_tool_request module has two main uses-cases.

1. You may want to do something that the higher level modules do not yet support. It can be easier to use this module to quickly prototype out your ideas for what actions you need, and then write the Python code to do it in a better way later. If you find that you need to use errata_tool_request to achieve functionality that is not yet present in the other errata-tool-ansible modules, please file a Feature Request issue in GitHub with your use case.

2. You want to write some tests that verify ET's data at a very low level. For example, you may want to write an integration test to verify that you've set up your ET configuration in the way you expect.



    - The path to request, eg. /api/v1/user/kdreyer
    required: true

    default: GET
    - The HTTP method to use.
    required: false

    default: false
    - If true, this module will return a "content" key with the body of the HTTP response.
      Independent of this setting, if python-requests can decode JSON from the HTTP response
      body, this module will return a "json" key with the parsed JSON data from the HTTP
    required: false