ktdreyer.koji_ansible.koji_call (0.0.450) — module

Make low-level Koji API calls

Authors: unknown

preview | supported by community

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install ktdreyer.koji_ansible:==0.0.450

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: ktdreyer.koji_ansible
      version: 0.0.450


Call Koji's RPC API directly.

Why would you use this module instead of the higher level modules like koji_tag, koji_target, etc? This koji_call module has two main uses-cases.

1. You may want to do something that the higher level modules do not yet support. It can be easier to use this module to quickly prototype out your ideas for what actions you need, and then write the Python code to do it in a better way later. If you find that you need to use koji_call to achieve functionality that is not yet present in the other koji-ansible modules, please file a Feature Request issue in GitHub with your use case.

2. You want to write some tests that verify Koji's data at a very low level. For example, you may want to write an integration test to verify that you've set up your Koji configuration in the way you expect.

Note that this module will always report "changed: true" every time, because it simply sends the RPC to the Koji Hub on every ansible run. This module cannot understand if your chosen RPC actually "changes" anything.

Read the full Koji API documentation at https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/api


Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: call the Koji API
  hosts: localhost

    - name: call the API
        name: getTag
        args: [f34-build]
      register: call_result

    - debug:
        var: call_result.data


    - The list or dict of arguments to pass into the call.
    - 'Example: ["f34-build"]'
    required: false

    - The name of the Koji RPC to send.
    - 'Example: "getTag"'
    required: true

    - true
    - false
    default: false
    - Whether to authenticate to Koji for this API call or not. Authentication is an extra
      round-trip to the Hub, so it is slower and more load on the database. You should
      not authenticate if this call is read-only (one of the "get" API calls). If you
      are doing some create or write operation, you must authenticate. The default behavior
      is to do an anonymous (non-authenticated) call.