netapp / netapp.ontap
ONTAP, known initially as Data ONTAP, is a proprietary operating system developed by NetApp. It is used in various storage disk arrays like NetApp's FAS and AFF systems, ONTAP Select, and Cloud Volumes ONTAP. The system supports a range of data access and management capabilities and has evolved, incorporating technology from different sources, including BSD Net/2, 4.4BSD-Lite, and Spinnaker Networks. ONTAP's functionality supports multiple storage protocols such as NFS, SMB, iSCSI, and Fibre Channel Protocol. It's designed for high availability and can be organized in clusters for enhanced reliability and performance. The system also includes the WAFL (Write Anywhere File Layout) file system, which supports efficient storage operations and data management.
The netapp.ontap Ansible collection enables automation and management of NetApp ONTAP storage systems, providing a range of modules for tasks like configuration management, provisioning, and data protection. Developed in partnership between Ansible and NetApp, this collection facilitates the integration of storage management tasks into broader IT automation workflows, ensuring idempotent operations for reliability. It's designed to simplify storage infrastructure deployment and management, enhancing scalability and reducing operational overhead.
Ansible plugins by type in the netapp.ontap collection: