oracle.oci.oci_identity_tag_actions (2.38.0) — module

Perform actions on a Tag resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

| "added in version" 2.9.0 of oracle.oci"

Authors: Oracle (@oracle)

preview | supported by community

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install oracle.oci:==2.38.0

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: oracle.oci
      version: 2.38.0


Perform actions on a Tag resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

For I(action=bulk_delete), deletes the specified tag key definitions. This operation triggers a process that removes the tags from all resources in your tenancy. The tag key definitions must be within the same tag namespace. The following actions happen immediately: * If the tag is a cost-tracking tag, the tag no longer counts against your 10 cost-tracking tags limit, even if you do not disable the tag before running this operation. * If the tag is used with dynamic groups, the rules that contain the tag are no longer evaluated against the tag. After you start this operation, the state of the tag changes to DELETING, and tag removal from resources begins. This process can take up to 48 hours depending on the number of resources that are tagged and the regions in which those resources reside. When all tags have been removed, the state changes to DELETED. You cannot restore a deleted tag. After the tag state changes to DELETED, you can use the same tag name again. After you start this operation, you cannot start either the L(DeleteTag, or the L(CascadeDeleteTagNamespace, operation until this process completes. In order to delete tags, you must first retire the tags. Use L(UpdateTag, us/iaas/api/#/en/identity/20160918/Tag/UpdateTag) to retire a tag.

For I(action=bulk_edit), edits the specified list of tag key definitions for the selected resources. This operation triggers a process that edits the tags on all selected resources. The possible actions are: * Add a defined tag when the tag does not already exist on the resource. * Update the value for a defined tag when the tag is present on the resource. * Add a defined tag when it does not already exist on the resource or update the value for a defined tag when the tag is present on the resource. * Remove a defined tag from a resource. The tag is removed from the resource regardless of the tag value. See L(BulkEditOperationDetails, for more information. The edits can include a combination of operations and tag sets. However, multiple operations cannot apply to one key definition in the same request. For example, if one request adds `tag set-1` to a resource and sets a tag value to `tag set-2`, `tag set-1` and `tag set-2` cannot have any common tag definitions.

For I(action=import_standard_tags), oCI will release Tag Namespaces that our customers can import. These Tag Namespaces will provide Tags for our customers and Partners to provide consistency and enable data reporting.


Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Perform action bulk_delete on tag
    # required
    tag_definition_ids: [ "tag_definition_ids_example" ]
    action: bulk_delete
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Perform action bulk_edit on tag
    # required
    compartment_id: "ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
    - # required
      id: "ocid1.resource.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
      resource_type: resource_type_example

      # optional
      metadata: null
    - # required
      operation_type: ADD_WHERE_ABSENT
      defined_tags: {'Operations': {'CostCenter': 'US'}}
    action: bulk_edit
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Perform action import_standard_tags on tag
    # required
    compartment_id: "ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
    standard_tag_namespace_name: standard_tag_namespace_name_example
    action: import_standard_tags


    default: true
    description: Whether to wait for create or delete operation to complete.
    type: bool

    - bulk_delete
    - bulk_edit
    - import_standard_tags
    - The action to perform on the Tag.
    required: true
    type: str

    - The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region to use for all OCI API requests. If not set,
      then the value of the OCI_REGION variable, if any, is used. This option is required
      if the region is not specified through a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)).
      Please refer to U(
      for more information on OCI regions.
    type: str

    - OCID of your tenancy. If not set, then the value of the OCI_TENANCY variable, if
      any, is used. This option is required if the tenancy OCID is not specified through
      a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)). To get the tenancy OCID, please
      refer U(
    type: str

    - The OCID of the user, on whose behalf, OCI APIs are invoked. If not set, then the
      value of the OCI_USER_ID environment variable, if any, is used. This option is required
      if the user is not specified through a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)).
      To get the user's OCID, please refer U(
    type: str

    - api_key
    - instance_principal
    - instance_obo_user
    - resource_principal
    default: api_key
    - The type of authentication to use for making API requests. By default C(auth_type="api_key")
      based authentication is performed and the API key (see I(api_user_key_file)) in
      your config file will be used. If this 'auth_type' module option is not specified,
      the value of the OCI_ANSIBLE_AUTH_TYPE, if any, is used. Use C(auth_type="instance_principal")
      to use instance principal based authentication when running ansible playbooks within
      an OCI compute instance.
    type: str

    - The resources to be updated.
    - Required for I(action=bulk_edit).
    elements: dict
        - The unique OCID of the resource.
        required: true
        type: str
        - Additional information that identifies the resource for bulk editing of tags.
          This information is provided in the resource's API documentation.
        type: dict
        - The type of resource. See L(BulkEditResourceTypes,
        required: true
        type: str
    type: list

    description: Time, in seconds, to wait when I(wait=yes). Defaults to 1200 for most
      of the services but some services might have a longer wait timeout.
    type: int

    - The OCID of the compartment where the bulk tag edit request is submitted.
    - Required for I(action=bulk_edit), I(action=import_standard_tags).
    type: str

    - Full path and filename of the private key (in PEM format). If not set, then the
      value of the OCI_USER_KEY_FILE variable, if any, is used. This option is required
      if the private key is not specified through a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)).
      If the key is encrypted with a pass-phrase, the C(api_user_key_pass_phrase) option
      must also be provided.
    type: str

    - The OCIDs of the tag definitions to delete
    - Required for I(action=bulk_delete).
    elements: str
    type: list

    - The profile to load from the config file referenced by C(config_file_location).
      If not set, then the value of the OCI_CONFIG_PROFILE environment variable, if any,
      is used. Otherwise, defaults to the "DEFAULT" profile in C(config_file_location).
    type: str

    - Fingerprint for the key pair being used. If not set, then the value of the OCI_USER_FINGERPRINT
      environment variable, if any, is used. This option is required if the key fingerprint
      is not specified through a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)). To
      get the key pair's fingerprint value please refer U(
    type: str

    - The operations associated with the request to bulk edit tags.
    - Required for I(action=bulk_edit).
    elements: dict
        - 'Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
          For more information, see L(Resource Tags,
          Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`'
        required: true
        type: dict
        - ADD_OR_SET
        - REMOVE
        - An enum-like description of the type of operation.
        - '* `ADD_WHERE_ABSENT` adds a defined tag only if the tag does not already exist
          on the resource. * `SET_WHERE_PRESENT` updates the value for a defined tag only
          if the tag is present on the resource. * `ADD_OR_SET` combines the first two
          operations to add a defined tag if it does not already exist on the resource
          or update the value for a defined tag only if the tag is present on the resource.
          * `REMOVE` removes the defined tag from the resource. The tag is removed from
          the resource regardless of the tag value.'
        required: true
        type: str
    type: list

    - Path to configuration file. If not set then the value of the OCI_CONFIG_FILE environment
      variable, if any, is used. Otherwise, defaults to ~/.oci/config.
    type: str

    - Passphrase used by the key referenced in C(api_user_key_file), if it is encrypted.
      If not set, then the value of the OCI_USER_KEY_PASS_PHRASE variable, if any, is
      used. This option is required if the key passphrase is not specified through a configuration
      file (See C(config_file_location)).
    type: str

    - The name of standard tag namespace that will be imported in bulk
    - Required for I(action=import_standard_tags).
    type: str