oracle.oci.oci_loadbalancer_rule_set_facts (2.38.0) — module

Fetches details about one or multiple RuleSet resources in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

| "added in version" 2.9.0 of oracle.oci"

Authors: Oracle (@oracle)

preview | supported by community

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install oracle.oci:==2.38.0

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: oracle.oci
      version: 2.38.0


Fetches details about one or multiple RuleSet resources in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Lists all rule sets associated with the specified load balancer.

If I(rule_set_name) is specified, the details of a single RuleSet will be returned.


Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Get a specific rule_set
    # required
    load_balancer_id: "ocid1.loadbalancer.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
    rule_set_name: rule_set_name_example
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: List rule_sets
    # required
    load_balancer_id: "ocid1.loadbalancer.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"


    - The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region to use for all OCI API requests. If not set,
      then the value of the OCI_REGION variable, if any, is used. This option is required
      if the region is not specified through a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)).
      Please refer to U(
      for more information on OCI regions.
    type: str

    - OCID of your tenancy. If not set, then the value of the OCI_TENANCY variable, if
      any, is used. This option is required if the tenancy OCID is not specified through
      a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)). To get the tenancy OCID, please
      refer U(
    type: str

    - The OCID of the user, on whose behalf, OCI APIs are invoked. If not set, then the
      value of the OCI_USER_ID environment variable, if any, is used. This option is required
      if the user is not specified through a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)).
      To get the user's OCID, please refer U(
    type: str

    - api_key
    - instance_principal
    - instance_obo_user
    - resource_principal
    default: api_key
    - The type of authentication to use for making API requests. By default C(auth_type="api_key")
      based authentication is performed and the API key (see I(api_user_key_file)) in
      your config file will be used. If this 'auth_type' module option is not specified,
      the value of the OCI_ANSIBLE_AUTH_TYPE, if any, is used. Use C(auth_type="instance_principal")
      to use instance principal based authentication when running ansible playbooks within
      an OCI compute instance.
    type: str

    - name
    - The name of the rule set to retrieve.
    - 'Example: `example_rule_set`'
    - Required to get a specific rule_set.
    type: str

    - The L(OCID,
      of the specified load balancer.
    required: true
    type: str

    - Full path and filename of the private key (in PEM format). If not set, then the
      value of the OCI_USER_KEY_FILE variable, if any, is used. This option is required
      if the private key is not specified through a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)).
      If the key is encrypted with a pass-phrase, the C(api_user_key_pass_phrase) option
      must also be provided.
    type: str

    - The profile to load from the config file referenced by C(config_file_location).
      If not set, then the value of the OCI_CONFIG_PROFILE environment variable, if any,
      is used. Otherwise, defaults to the "DEFAULT" profile in C(config_file_location).
    type: str

    - Fingerprint for the key pair being used. If not set, then the value of the OCI_USER_FINGERPRINT
      environment variable, if any, is used. This option is required if the key fingerprint
      is not specified through a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)). To
      get the key pair's fingerprint value please refer U(
    type: str

    - Path to configuration file. If not set then the value of the OCI_CONFIG_FILE environment
      variable, if any, is used. Otherwise, defaults to ~/.oci/config.
    type: str

    - Passphrase used by the key referenced in C(api_user_key_file), if it is encrypted.
      If not set, then the value of the OCI_USER_KEY_PASS_PHRASE variable, if any, is
      used. This option is required if the key passphrase is not specified through a configuration
      file (See C(config_file_location)).
    type: str


          - ''
          returned: on success
          sample: ADD_HTTP_REQUEST_HEADER
          type: str
          - The list of HTTP methods allowed for this listener.
          - By default, you can specify only the standard HTTP methods defined in
            the L(HTTP Method Registry,
            You can also see a list of supported standard HTTP methods in the Load
            Balancing service documentation at L(Managing Rule Sets,
          - Your backend application must be able to handle the methods specified
            in this list.
          - The list of HTTP methods is extensible. If you need to configure custom
            HTTP methods, contact L(My Oracle Support,
            to remove the restriction for your tenancy.
          - 'Example: ["GET", "PUT", "POST", "PROPFIND"]'
          returned: on success
          sample: []
          type: list
          - Indicates whether or not invalid characters in client header fields will
            be allowed. Valid names are composed of English letters, digits, hyphens
            and underscores. If "true", invalid characters are allowed in the HTTP
            header. If "false", invalid characters are not allowed in the HTTP header
          returned: on success
          sample: true
          type: bool
              - ''
              returned: on success
              sample: SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS
              type: str
              - The path string that the redirection rule applies to.
              - 'Example: `/example`'
              returned: on success
              sample: attribute_value_example
              type: str
              - A string that specifies how to compare the PathMatchCondition object's
                `attributeValue` string to the incoming URI.
              - '*  **EXACT_MATCH** - The incoming URI path must exactly and completely
                match the `attributeValue` string.'
              - '*  **FORCE_LONGEST_PREFIX_MATCH** - The system looks for the `attributeValue`
                string with the best, longest match of the beginning portion of the
                incoming URI path.'
              - '*  **PREFIX_MATCH** - The beginning portion of the incoming URI path
                must exactly match the `attributeValue` string.'
              - '*  **SUFFIX_MATCH** - The ending portion of the incoming URI path
                must exactly match the `attributeValue` string.'
              returned: on success
              sample: EXACT_MATCH
              type: str
          - ''
          returned: on success
          type: complex
          - A brief description of the access control rule. Avoid entering confidential
          - 'example: ` and 2001:db8::/32 are trusted clients. Whitelist
          returned: on success
          sample: description_example
          type: str
          - A header name that conforms to RFC 7230.
          - 'Example: `example_header_name`'
          returned: on success
          sample: header_example
          type: str
          - The maximum size of each buffer used for reading http client request header.
            This value indicates the maximum size allowed for each buffer. The allowed
            values for buffer size are 8, 16, 32 and 64.
          returned: on success
          sample: 56
          type: int
          - 'A string to prepend to the header value. The resulting header value must
            conform to RFC 7230. With the following exceptions: *  value cannot contain
            `$` *  value cannot contain patterns like `{variable_name}`. They are
            reserved for future extensions. Currently, such values are invalid.'
          - 'Example: `example_prefix_value`'
          returned: on success
          sample: prefix_example
          type: str
              - The valid domain name (hostname) or IP address to use in the redirect
              - When this value is null, not set, or set to `{host}`, the service
                preserves the original domain name from the incoming HTTP request
              - All RedirectUri tokens are valid for this property. You can use any
                token more than once.
              - Curly braces are valid in this property only to surround tokens, such
                as `{host}`
              - 'Examples:'
              - '*  **** appears as `` in the redirect URI.'
              - '*  **in{host}** appears as `` in the redirect URI if
                `` is the hostname in the incoming HTTP request URI.'
              - '*  **{port}{host}** appears as `` in the redirect
                URI if `` is the hostname and the port is `8081` in the
                incoming HTTP request URI.'
              returned: on success
              sample: host_example
              type: str
              - The HTTP URI path to use in the redirect URI.
              - When this value is null, not set, or set to `{path}`, the service
                preserves the original path from the incoming HTTP request URI. To
                omit the path from the redirect URI, set this value to an empty string,
              - All RedirectUri tokens are valid for this property. You can use any
                token more than once.
              - The path string must begin with `/` if it does not begin with the
                `{path}` token.
              - 'Examples:'
              - '*  __/example/video/123__ appears as `/example/video/123` in the
                redirect URI.'
              - '*  __/example{path}__ appears as `/example/video/123` in the redirect
                URI if `/video/123` is the path in the incoming HTTP request URI.'
              - '*  __{path}/123__ appears as `/example/video/123` in the redirect
                URI if `/example/video` is the path in the incoming HTTP request URI.'
              - '*  __{path}123__ appears as `/example/video123` in the redirect URI
                if `/example/video` is the path in the incoming HTTP request URI.'
              - '*  __/{host}/123__ appears as `/` in the redirect
                URI if `` is the hostname in the incoming HTTP request
              - '*  __/{host}/{port}__ appears as `/` in the redirect
                URI if `` is the hostname and `123` is the port in the
                incoming HTTP request URI.'
              - '*  __/{query}__ appears as `/lang=en` in the redirect URI if the
                query is `lang=en` in the incoming HTTP request URI.'
              returned: on success
              sample: path_example
              type: str
              - The communication port to use in the redirect URI.
              - Valid values include integers from 1 to 65535.
              - When this value is null, the service preserves the original port from
                the incoming HTTP request URI.
              - 'Example: `8081`'
              returned: on success
              sample: 56
              type: int
              - The HTTP protocol to use in the redirect URI.
              - 'When this value is null, not set, or set to `{protocol}`, the service
                preserves the original protocol from the incoming HTTP request URI.
                Allowed values are:'
              - '*  HTTP *  HTTPS *  {protocol}'
              - '`{protocol}` is the only valid token for this property. It can appear
                only once in the value string.'
              - 'Example: `HTTPS`'
              returned: on success
              sample: protocol_example
              type: str
              - The query string to use in the redirect URI.
              - When this value is null, not set, or set to `{query}`, the service
                preserves the original query parameters from the incoming HTTP request
              - All `RedirectUri` tokens are valid for this property. You can use
                any token more than once.
              - If the query string does not begin with the `{query}` token, it must
                begin with the question mark (?) character.
              - You can specify multiple query parameters as a single string. Separate
                each query parameter with an ampersand (&) character. To omit all
                incoming query parameters from the redirect URI, set this value to
                an empty string, "".
              - If the specified query string results in a redirect URI ending with
                `?` or `&`, the last character is truncated. For example, if the incoming
                URI is `` and the query property value
                is `?lang=en&{query}`, the redirect URI is ``.
                The system truncates the final ampersand (&) because the incoming
                URI included no value to replace the {query} token.
              - 'Examples: * **lang=en&time_zone=PST** appears as `lang=en&time_zone=PST`
                in the redirect URI.'
              - '* **{query}** appears as `lang=en&time_zone=PST` in the redirect
                URI if `lang=en&time_zone=PST` is the query string in the incoming
                HTTP request. If the incoming HTTP request has no query parameters,
                the `{query}` token renders as an empty string.'
              - '* **lang=en&{query}&time_zone=PST** appears as `lang=en&country=us&time_zone=PST`
                in the redirect URI if `country=us` is the query string in the incoming
                HTTP request. If the incoming HTTP request has no query parameters,
                this value renders as `lang=en&time_zone=PST`.'
              - '*  **protocol={protocol}&hostname={host}** appears as `protocol=http&`
                in the redirect URI if the protocol is `HTTP` and the hostname is
                `` in the incoming HTTP request.'
              - '*  **port={port}&hostname={host}** appears as `port=8080&`
                in the redirect URI if the port is `8080` and the hostname is ``
                in the incoming HTTP request URI.'
              returned: on success
              sample: query_example
              type: str
          - ''
          returned: on success
          type: complex
          - The HTTP status code to return when the incoming request is redirected.
          - 'The status line returned with the code is mapped from the standard HTTP
            specification. Valid response codes for redirection are:'
          - '*  301 *  302 *  303 *  307 *  308'
          - The default value is `302` (Found).
          - 'Example: `301`'
          returned: on success
          sample: 56
          type: int
          - The HTTP status code to return when the requested HTTP method is not in
            the list of allowed methods. The associated status line returned with
            the code is mapped from the standard HTTP specification. The default value
            is `405 (Method Not Allowed)`.
          - 'Example: 403'
          returned: on success
          sample: 56
          type: int
          - 'A string to append to the header value. The resulting header value must
            conform to RFC 7230. With the following exceptions: *  value cannot contain
            `$` *  value cannot contain patterns like `{variable_name}`. They are
            reserved for future extensions. Currently, such values are invalid.'
          - 'Example: `example_suffix_value`'
          returned: on success
          sample: suffix_example
          type: str
          - 'A header value that conforms to RFC 7230. With the following exceptions:
            *  value cannot contain `$` *  value cannot contain patterns like `{variable_name}`.
            They are reserved for future extensions. Currently, such values are invalid.'
          - 'Example: `example_value`'
          returned: on success
          sample: value_example
          type: str
      - An array of rules that compose the rule set.
      returned: on success
      type: complex
      - The name for this set of rules. It must be unique and it cannot be changed.
        Avoid entering confidential information.
      - 'Example: `example_rule_set`'
      returned: on success
      sample: name_example
      type: str
  - List of RuleSet resources
  returned: on success
  - items:
      allowed_methods: []
      are_invalid_characters_allowed: true
      - attribute_name: SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS
        attribute_value: attribute_value_example
        operator: EXACT_MATCH
      description: description_example
      header: header_example
      http_large_header_size_in_kb: 56
      prefix: prefix_example
        host: host_example
        path: path_example
        port: 56
        protocol: protocol_example
        query: query_example
      response_code: 56
      status_code: 56
      suffix: suffix_example
      value: value_example
    name: name_example
  type: complex