oracle.oci.oci_network_public_ip (3.5.0) — module

Manage a PublicIp resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

| "added in version" 2.9.0 of oracle.oci"

Authors: Oracle (@oracle)

preview | supported by community

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install oracle.oci:==3.5.0

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: oracle.oci
      version: 3.5.0


This module allows the user to create, update and delete a PublicIp resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

For I(state=present), creates a public IP. Use the `lifetime` property to specify whether it's an ephemeral or reserved public IP. For information about limits on how many you can create, see L(Public IP Addresses,

* **For an ephemeral public IP assigned to a private IP:** You must also specify a `privateIpId` with the L(OCID, of the primary private IP you want to assign the public IP to. The public IP is created in the same availability domain as the private IP. An ephemeral public IP must always be assigned to a private IP, and only to the *primary* private IP on a VNIC, not a secondary private IP. Exception: If you create a L(NatGateway,, Oracle automatically assigns the NAT gateway a regional ephemeral public IP that you cannot remove.

* **For a reserved public IP:** You may also optionally assign the public IP to a private IP by specifying `privateIpId`. Or you can later assign the public IP with L(UpdatePublicIp,

**Note:** When assigning a public IP to a private IP, the private IP must not already have a public IP with `lifecycleState` = ASSIGNING or ASSIGNED. If it does, an error is returned.

Also, for reserved public IPs, the optional assignment part of this operation is asynchronous. Poll the public IP's `lifecycleState` to determine if the assignment succeeded.

This resource has the following action operations in the M(oracle.oci.oci_network_public_ip_actions) module: change_compartment.


Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Create public_ip
    # required
    compartment_id: "ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
    lifetime: EPHEMERAL

    # optional
    public_ip_pool_id: "ocid1.publicippool.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
    defined_tags: {'Operations': {'CostCenter': 'US'}}
    display_name: display_name_example
    freeform_tags: {'Department': 'Finance'}
    private_ip_id: "ocid1.privateip.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Update public_ip
    # required
    public_ip_id: "ocid1.publicip.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"

    # optional
    defined_tags: {'Operations': {'CostCenter': 'US'}}
    display_name: display_name_example
    freeform_tags: {'Department': 'Finance'}
    private_ip_id: "ocid1.privateip.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Update public_ip using name (when environment variable OCI_USE_NAME_AS_IDENTIFIER is set)
    # required
    compartment_id: "ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
    display_name: display_name_example
    scope: REGION

    # optional
    defined_tags: {'Operations': {'CostCenter': 'US'}}
    freeform_tags: {'Department': 'Finance'}
    private_ip_id: "ocid1.privateip.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Delete public_ip
    # required
    public_ip_id: "ocid1.publicip.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
    state: absent
  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: Delete public_ip using name (when environment variable OCI_USE_NAME_AS_IDENTIFIER is set)
    # required
    compartment_id: "ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"
    display_name: display_name_example
    scope: REGION
    state: absent


    default: true
    description: Whether to wait for create or delete operation to complete.
    type: bool

    - REGION
    - Whether the public IP is regional or specific to a particular availability domain.
    - '* `REGION`: The public IP exists within a region and is assigned to a regional
      entity (such as a L(NatGateway,,
      or can be assigned to a private IP in any availability domain in the region. Reserved
      public IPs have `scope` = `REGION`, as do ephemeral public IPs assigned to a regional
    - '* `AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN`: The public IP exists within the availability domain of
      the entity it''s assigned to, which is specified by the `availabilityDomain` property
      of the public IP object. Ephemeral public IPs that are assigned to private IPs have
      `scope` = `AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN`.'
    - Required for create using I(state=present).
    - Required for update when environment variable C(OCI_USE_NAME_AS_IDENTIFIER) is set.
    - Required for delete when environment variable C(OCI_USE_NAME_AS_IDENTIFIER) is set.
    type: str

    - present
    - absent
    default: present
    - The state of the PublicIp.
    - Use I(state=present) to create or update a PublicIp.
    - Use I(state=absent) to delete a PublicIp.
    required: false
    type: str

    description: The list of attributes of this resource which should be used to uniquely
      identify an instance of the resource. By default, all the attributes of a resource
      are used to uniquely identify a resource.
    elements: str
    type: list

    - The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region to use for all OCI API requests. If not set,
      then the value of the OCI_REGION variable, if any, is used. This option is required
      if the region is not specified through a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)).
      Please refer to U(
      for more information on OCI regions.
    type: str

    - OCID of your tenancy. If not set, then the value of the OCI_TENANCY variable, if
      any, is used. This option is required if the tenancy OCID is not specified through
      a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)). To get the tenancy OCID, please
      refer U(
    type: str

    - The OCID of the user, on whose behalf, OCI APIs are invoked. If not set, then the
      value of the OCI_USER_ID environment variable, if any, is used. This option is required
      if the user is not specified through a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)).
      To get the user's OCID, please refer U(
    type: str

    - Defines when the public IP is deleted and released back to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
      public IP pool. For more information, see L(Public IP Addresses,
    - Required for create using I(state=present).
    type: str

    - api_key
    - instance_principal
    - instance_obo_user
    - resource_principal
    default: api_key
    - The type of authentication to use for making API requests. By default C(auth_type="api_key")
      based authentication is performed and the API key (see I(api_user_key_file)) in
      your config file will be used. If this 'auth_type' module option is not specified,
      the value of the OCI_ANSIBLE_AUTH_TYPE, if any, is used. Use C(auth_type="instance_principal")
      to use instance principal based authentication when running ansible playbooks within
      an OCI compute instance.
    type: str

    - The full path to a CA certificate bundle to be used for SSL verification. This will
      override the default CA certificate bundle. If not set, then the value of the OCI_ANSIBLE_CERT_BUNDLE
      variable, if any, is used.
    type: str

    - service_principal
    - The auth purpose which can be used in conjunction with 'auth_type=instance_principal'.
      The default auth_purpose for instance_principal is None.
    type: str

    - Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
      For more information, see L(Resource Tags,
    - 'Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`'
    - This parameter is updatable.
    type: dict

    - name
    - A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable. Avoid entering
      confidential information.
    - Required for create, update, delete when environment variable C(OCI_USE_NAME_AS_IDENTIFIER)
      is set.
    - This parameter is updatable when C(OCI_USE_NAME_AS_IDENTIFIER) is not set.
    type: str

    default: false
    description: Whether to attempt non-idempotent creation of a resource. By default,
      create resource is an idempotent operation, and doesn't create the resource if it
      already exists. Setting this option to true, forcefully creates a copy of the resource,
      even if it already exists.This option is mutually exclusive with I(key_by).
    type: bool

    - id
    - The L(OCID,
      of the public IP.
    - Required for update using I(state=present) when environment variable C(OCI_USE_NAME_AS_IDENTIFIER)
      is not set.
    - Required for delete using I(state=absent) when environment variable C(OCI_USE_NAME_AS_IDENTIFIER)
      is not set.
    type: str

    description: Time, in seconds, to wait when I(wait=yes). Defaults to 1200 for most
      of the services but some services might have a longer wait timeout.
    type: int

    - Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined
      name, type, or namespace. For more information, see L(Resource Tags,
    - 'Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`'
    - This parameter is updatable.
    type: dict

    - The L(OCID,
      of the private IP to assign the public IP to.
    - Required for an ephemeral public IP because it must always be assigned to a private
      IP (specifically a *primary* private IP).
    - Optional for a reserved public IP. If you don't provide it, the public IP is created
      but not assigned to a private IP. You can later assign the public IP with L(UpdatePublicIp,
    - This parameter is updatable.
    type: str

    - The L(OCID,
      of the compartment to contain the public IP. For ephemeral public IPs, you must
      set this to the private IP's compartment L(OCID,
    - Required for create using I(state=present).
    - Required for update when environment variable C(OCI_USE_NAME_AS_IDENTIFIER) is set.
    - Required for delete when environment variable C(OCI_USE_NAME_AS_IDENTIFIER) is set.
    type: str

    - Full path and filename of the private key (in PEM format). If not set, then the
      value of the OCI_USER_KEY_FILE variable, if any, is used. This option is required
      if the private key is not specified through a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)).
      If the key is encrypted with a pass-phrase, the C(api_user_key_pass_phrase) option
      must also be provided.
    type: str

    - The L(OCID,
      of the public IP pool.
    type: str

    - The profile to load from the config file referenced by C(config_file_location).
      If not set, then the value of the OCI_CONFIG_PROFILE environment variable, if any,
      is used. Otherwise, defaults to the "DEFAULT" profile in C(config_file_location).
    type: str

    - Fingerprint for the key pair being used. If not set, then the value of the OCI_USER_FINGERPRINT
      environment variable, if any, is used. This option is required if the key fingerprint
      is not specified through a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)). To
      get the key pair's fingerprint value please refer U(
    type: str

    - Path to configuration file. If not set then the value of the OCI_CONFIG_FILE environment
      variable, if any, is used. Otherwise, defaults to ~/.oci/config.
    type: str

    - Passphrase used by the key referenced in C(api_user_key_file), if it is encrypted.
      If not set, then the value of the OCI_USER_KEY_PASS_PHRASE variable, if any, is
      used. This option is required if the key passphrase is not specified through a configuration
      file (See C(config_file_location)).
    type: str


      - The L(OCID,
        of the entity the public IP is assigned to, or in the process of being assigned
      returned: on success
      sample: ocid1.assignedentity.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx
      type: str
      - The type of entity the public IP is assigned to, or in the process of being
        assigned to.
      returned: on success
      sample: PRIVATE_IP
      type: str
      - The public IP's availability domain. This property is set only for ephemeral
        public IPs that are assigned to a private IP (that is, when the `scope` of
        the public IP is set to AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN). The value is the availability
        domain of the assigned private IP.
      - 'Example: `Uocm:PHX-AD-1`'
      returned: on success
      sample: Uocm:PHX-AD-1
      type: str
      - The L(OCID,
        of the compartment containing the public IP. For an ephemeral public IP, this
        is the compartment of its assigned entity (which can be a private IP or a
        regional entity such as a NAT gateway). For a reserved public IP that is currently
        assigned, its compartment can be different from the assigned private IP's.
      returned: on success
      sample: ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx
      type: str
      - Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
        For more information, see L(Resource Tags,
      - 'Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`'
      returned: on success
          CostCenter: US
      type: dict
      - A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable. Avoid
        entering confidential information.
      returned: on success
      sample: display_name_example
      type: str
      - Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with
        no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see L(Resource
      - 'Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`'
      returned: on success
        Department: Finance
      type: dict
      - The public IP's Oracle ID (L(OCID,
      returned: on success
      sample: ocid1.resource.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx
      type: str
      - The public IP address of the `publicIp` object.
      - 'Example: ``'
      returned: on success
      sample: ip_address_example
      type: str
      - The public IP's current state.
      returned: on success
      sample: PROVISIONING
      type: str
      - Defines when the public IP is deleted and released back to Oracle's public
        IP pool.
      - '* `EPHEMERAL`: The lifetime is tied to the lifetime of its assigned entity.
        An ephemeral public IP must always be assigned to an entity. If the assigned
        entity is a private IP, the ephemeral public IP is automatically deleted when
        the private IP is deleted, when the VNIC is terminated, or when the instance
        is terminated. If the assigned entity is a L(NatGateway,,
        the ephemeral public IP is automatically deleted when the NAT gateway is terminated.'
      - '* `RESERVED`: You control the public IP''s lifetime. You can delete a reserved
        public IP whenever you like. It does not need to be assigned to a private
        IP at all times.'
      - For more information and comparison of the two types, see L(Public IP Addresses,
      returned: on success
      sample: EPHEMERAL
      type: str
      - Deprecated. Use `assignedEntityId` instead.
      - The L(OCID,
        of the private IP that the public IP is currently assigned to, or in the process
        of being assigned to.
      - '**Note:** This is `null` if the public IP is not assigned to a private IP,
        or is in the process of being assigned to one.'
      returned: on success
      sample: ocid1.privateip.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx
      type: str
      - The L(OCID,
        of the pool object created in the current tenancy.
      returned: on success
      sample: ocid1.publicippool.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx
      type: str
      - Whether the public IP is regional or specific to a particular availability
      - '* `REGION`: The public IP exists within a region and is assigned to a regional
        entity (such as a L(NatGateway,,
        or can be assigned to a private IP in any availability domain in the region.
        Reserved public IPs and ephemeral public IPs assigned to a regional entity
        have `scope` = `REGION`.'
      - '* `AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN`: The public IP exists within the availability domain
        of the entity it''s assigned to, which is specified by the `availabilityDomain`
        property of the public IP object. Ephemeral public IPs that are assigned to
        private IPs have `scope` = `AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN`.'
      returned: on success
      sample: REGION
      type: str
      - The date and time the public IP was created, in the format defined by L(RFC3339,
      - 'Example: `2016-08-25T21:10:29.600Z`'
      returned: on success
      sample: '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00'
      type: str
  - Details of the PublicIp resource acted upon by the current operation
  returned: on success
    assigned_entity_id: ocid1.assignedentity.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx
    assigned_entity_type: PRIVATE_IP
    availability_domain: Uocm:PHX-AD-1
    compartment_id: ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx
        CostCenter: US
    display_name: display_name_example
      Department: Finance
    id: ocid1.resource.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx
    ip_address: ip_address_example
    lifecycle_state: PROVISIONING
    lifetime: EPHEMERAL
    private_ip_id: ocid1.privateip.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx
    public_ip_pool_id: ocid1.publicippool.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx
    scope: REGION
    time_created: '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00'
  type: complex