oracle.oci.oci_network_cross_connect_mapping_facts (4.2.0) — module

Fetches details about one or multiple CrossConnectMapping resources in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

| "added in version" 2.9.0 of oracle.oci"

Authors: Oracle (@oracle)

preview | supported by community

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install oracle.oci:==4.2.0

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: oracle.oci
      version: 4.2.0


Fetches details about one or multiple CrossConnectMapping resources in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Lists the Cross Connect mapping Details for the specified virtual circuit.


Usage examples

  • Success
    Steampunk Spotter scan finished with no errors, warnings or hints.
- name: List cross_connect_mappings
    # required
    virtual_circuit_id: "ocid1.virtualcircuit.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx"


    - The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region to use for all OCI API requests. If not set,
      then the value of the OCI_REGION variable, if any, is used. This option is required
      if the region is not specified through a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)).
      Please refer to U(
      for more information on OCI regions.
    type: str

    - OCID of your tenancy. If not set, then the value of the OCI_TENANCY variable, if
      any, is used. This option is required if the tenancy OCID is not specified through
      a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)). To get the tenancy OCID, please
      refer U(
    type: str

    - The OCID of the user, on whose behalf, OCI APIs are invoked. If not set, then the
      value of the OCI_USER_ID environment variable, if any, is used. This option is required
      if the user is not specified through a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)).
      To get the user's OCID, please refer U(
    type: str

    - api_key
    - instance_principal
    - instance_obo_user
    - resource_principal
    default: api_key
    - The type of authentication to use for making API requests. By default C(auth_type="api_key")
      based authentication is performed and the API key (see I(api_user_key_file)) in
      your config file will be used. If this 'auth_type' module option is not specified,
      the value of the OCI_ANSIBLE_AUTH_TYPE, if any, is used. Use C(auth_type="instance_principal")
      to use instance principal based authentication when running ansible playbooks within
      an OCI compute instance.
    type: str

    - The full path to a CA certificate bundle to be used for SSL verification. This will
      override the default CA certificate bundle. If not set, then the value of the OCI_ANSIBLE_CERT_BUNDLE
      variable, if any, is used.
    type: str

    - service_principal
    - The auth purpose which can be used in conjunction with 'auth_type=instance_principal'.
      The default auth_purpose for instance_principal is None.
    type: str

    - Full path and filename of the private key (in PEM format). If not set, then the
      value of the OCI_USER_KEY_FILE variable, if any, is used. This option is required
      if the private key is not specified through a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)).
      If the key is encrypted with a pass-phrase, the C(api_user_key_pass_phrase) option
      must also be provided.
    type: str

    - The L(OCID,
      of the virtual circuit.
    required: true
    type: str

    - The profile to load from the config file referenced by C(config_file_location).
      If not set, then the value of the OCI_CONFIG_PROFILE environment variable, if any,
      is used. Otherwise, defaults to the "DEFAULT" profile in C(config_file_location).
    type: str

    - Fingerprint for the key pair being used. If not set, then the value of the OCI_USER_FINGERPRINT
      environment variable, if any, is used. This option is required if the key fingerprint
      is not specified through a configuration file (See C(config_file_location)). To
      get the key pair's fingerprint value please refer U(
    type: str

    - Path to configuration file. If not set then the value of the OCI_CONFIG_FILE environment
      variable, if any, is used. Otherwise, defaults to ~/.oci/config.
    type: str

    - Passphrase used by the key referenced in C(api_user_key_file), if it is encrypted.
      If not set, then the value of the OCI_USER_KEY_PASS_PHRASE variable, if any, is
      used. This option is required if the key passphrase is not specified through a configuration
      file (See C(config_file_location)).
    type: str


      - The key for BGP MD5 authentication. Only applicable if your system requires
        MD5 authentication. If empty or not set (null), that means you don't use BGP
        MD5 authentication.
      returned: on success
      sample: bgp_md5_auth_key_example
      type: str
      - The L(OCID,
        of the cross-connect or cross-connect group for this mapping. Specified by
        the owner of the cross-connect or cross-connect group (the customer if the
        customer is colocated with Oracle, or the provider if the customer is connecting
        via provider).
      returned: on success
      sample: ocid1.crossconnectorcrossconnectgroup.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx
      type: str
      - The BGP IPv4 address for the router on the other end of the BGP session from
        Oracle. Specified by the owner of that router. If the session goes from Oracle
        to a customer, this is the BGP IPv4 address of the customer's edge router.
        If the session goes from Oracle to a provider, this is the BGP IPv4 address
        of the provider's edge router. Must use a /30 or /31 subnet mask.
      - 'There''s one exception: for a public virtual circuit, Oracle specifies the
        BGP IPv4 addresses.'
      - 'Example: ``'
      returned: on success
      sample: customer_bgp_peering_ip_example
      type: str
      - The BGP IPv6 address for the router on the other end of the BGP session from
        Oracle. Specified by the owner of that router. If the session goes from Oracle
        to a customer, this is the BGP IPv6 address of the customer's edge router.
        If the session goes from Oracle to a provider, this is the BGP IPv6 address
        of the provider's edge router. Only subnet masks from /64 up to /127 are allowed.
      - 'There''s one exception: for a public virtual circuit, Oracle specifies the
        BGP IPv6 addresses.'
      - 'Example: `2001:db8::1/64`'
      returned: on success
      sample: customer_bgp_peering_ipv6_example
      type: str
      - The state of the Ipv4 BGP session.
      returned: on success
      sample: UP
      type: str
      - The state of the Ipv6 BGP session.
      returned: on success
      sample: UP
      type: str
      - The FastConnect device that terminates the logical connection.
      returned: on success
      sample: oci_logical_device_name_example
      type: str
      - The IPv4 address for Oracle's end of the BGP session. Must use a /30 or /31
        subnet mask. If the session goes from Oracle to a customer's edge router,
        the customer specifies this information. If the session goes from Oracle to
        a provider's edge router, the provider specifies this.
      - 'There''s one exception: for a public virtual circuit, Oracle specifies the
        BGP IPv4 addresses.'
      - 'Example: ``'
      returned: on success
      sample: oracle_bgp_peering_ip_example
      type: str
      - The IPv6 address for Oracle's end of the BGP session. Only subnet masks from
        /64 up to /127 are allowed. If the session goes from Oracle to a customer's
        edge router, the customer specifies this information. If the session goes
        from Oracle to a provider's edge router, the provider specifies this.
      - 'There''s one exception: for a public virtual circuit, Oracle specifies the
        BGP IPv6 addresses.'
      - 'Example: `2001:db8::2/64`'
      returned: on success
      sample: oracle_bgp_peering_ipv6_example
      type: str
      - The number of the specific VLAN (on the cross-connect or cross-connect group)
        that is assigned to this virtual circuit. Specified by the owner of the cross-connect
        or cross-connect group (the customer if the customer is colocated with Oracle,
        or the provider if the customer is connecting via provider).
      - 'Example: `200`'
      returned: on success
      sample: 56
      type: int
  - List of CrossConnectMapping resources
  returned: on success
  - bgp_md5_auth_key: bgp_md5_auth_key_example
    cross_connect_or_cross_connect_group_id: ocid1.crossconnectorcrossconnectgroup.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx
    customer_bgp_peering_ip: customer_bgp_peering_ip_example
    customer_bgp_peering_ipv6: customer_bgp_peering_ipv6_example
    ipv4_bgp_status: UP
    ipv6_bgp_status: UP
    oci_logical_device_name: oci_logical_device_name_example
    oracle_bgp_peering_ip: oracle_bgp_peering_ip_example
    oracle_bgp_peering_ipv6: oracle_bgp_peering_ipv6_example
    vlan: 56
  type: complex