tseeker.reconstructed.reconstructed (1.0.0) — inventory

A plugin that allows the dynamic construction of groups

Authors: Emmanuel BENOÎT

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install tseeker.reconstructed:==1.0.0

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: tseeker.reconstructed
      version: 1.0.0


This inventory plugin allows the construction of groups, the optional assignment of hosts to these groups and the computation of arbitrary facts.


    - tseeker.reconstructed.reconstructed
    - reconstructed
    - Token that ensures this is a source file for the C(group_creator) plugin.
    required: true

    - host
    - full
    default: host
    - The C(host) setting will cause an error to skip the host being processed, and the
      C(full) setting will abort the execution altogether.
    required: false

    - The list of instructions to be executed in order to generate the inventory parts.
      Each instruction is represented as a dictionnary with at least an C(action) field
      which determines which instruction must be executed. The instructions will be executed
      once for each inventory host.
    - Instructions may include various fields that act as control flow.
    - If the C(loop) field is present, it must contain a list (or a Jinja template that
      will return a list). The instruction will be repeated for each value in the list.
      The C(loop_var) field may be added to specify the name of the variable into which
      the current value will be written; by default the C(item) variable will be used.
      Once the loop execution ends, the loop variable's previous state is restored.
    - The C(when) field, if present, must contain a Jinja expression representing a condition
      which will be checked before the instruction is executed.
    - The C(run_once) field will ensure that the instuction it is attached to will only
      run one time at most.
    - The C(action) field must be set to one of the following values.
    - The C(block) action is another form of flow control, which can be used to repeat
      multiple instructions or make them obey a single conditional. The instruction must
      include a C(block) field, containing the list of instructions which are part of
      the block. In addition, it may have a C(rescue) field, containing a list of instructions
      which will be executed on error, and C(always), which may contain a list of instructions
      to execute in all cases. If the C(locals) field is defined, it must contain a table
      of local variables to define. Any local variable defined by the instructions under
      C(block), C(rescue) or C(always) will go out of scope once the block finishes executing,
      and the previous values, if any, will be restored.
    - C(create_group) creates a group. The name of the group must be provided using the
      C(group) field, which must be a valid name or a Jinja template that evaluates to
      a valid name. In addition, a C(parent) field containting the name of a single, existing
      parent group (or a Jinja template generating the name) may be provided. Finally,
      the C(add_host) field may be set to a truthy value if the current host must be added
      to the new group.
    - C(add_child) adds a child group to another group. The name of the group being added
      must be provided in the C(child) entry, while the name of the parent must be provided
      in the C(group) entry. Both groups must exist. In addition, the names may be specified
      using Jinja templates.
    - C(add_host) adds the current inventory host to a group. The name of the group must
      be provided in the C(group) entry. The group must exist.
    - C(fail) causes the computations for the current host to stop with an error. The
      error message may be specified in the C(message) entry; if present, it will be evaluated
      using Jinja.
    - C(set_fact) and C(set_var) create a fact and a local variable, respectively. Local
      variables will only be kept during the execution of the script for the current host,
      while facts will be added to the host's data. The C(name) entry specifies the name
      of the fact or variable while the C(value) entry specifies its value. Both may be
      Jinja templates.
    - C(stop) stops processing the list of instructions for the current host.
    - C(rename_host) changes a host's name. It can only be executed once per host.
    elements: dict
    required: true
    type: list