tuxinvader.launchpad.build_record_info (1.0.7) — module

Get info about Build records for a source package in a PPA

| "added in version" 1.0.3 of tuxinvader.launchpad"

Authors: Mark Boddington (@TuxInvader)

Install collection

Install with ansible-galaxy collection install tuxinvader.launchpad:==1.0.7

Add to requirements.yml

    - name: tuxinvader.launchpad
      version: 1.0.7


Get info about build records for a source package in a PPA. The module returns a list of matching records. Each item is a dictionary including a link to the log of the build and buildstate. The buildstate can be one of; "Needs building", "Successfully built", "Failed to build", "Dependency wait", "Chroot problem", "Build for superseded Source", "Currently building", "Failed to upload", "Uploading build", "Cancelling build" or "Cancelled build". See the sample for more properties in the dictionary. The project and ppa name are mandatory, and will return all build records from the last 24 hours (1440 minutes) by default. You can change the time_frame, and filter on packages by source_name and/or source_version. You can also provide a build_id if you want info on a specific build.


    default: None
    description: The name of the PPA
    required: true
    type: str

    default: None
    description: The name of the project owning the PPA
    required: true
    type: str

    default: None
    description: A specific build_id to retrieve
    required: false
    type: int

    default: 1440
    description: The time frame for builds in minutes. The default is 24 hours (1440 minutes).
    required: false
    type: int

    default: None
    description: The name of the Source Package
    required: false
    type: str

    default: None
    description: The version of source package, the default is None (all versions)
    required: false
    type: str


  description: A list of matching build records
  returned: always
  - arch_tag: amd64
    build_log_url: https://launchpad.net/~me/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/246/+files/buildlog_snip-5.19_5.19.12_BUILDING.txt.gz
    buildstate: Uploading build
    can_be_cancelled: false
    can_be_rescored: false
    can_be_retried: false
    changesfile_url: null
    date_first_dispatched: '2022-09-30T23:48:22.137375+00:00'
    date_started: '2022-09-30T23:48:22.137375+00:00'
    datebuilt: '2022-09-30T23:49:28.308409+00:00'
    datecreated: '2022-09-30T23:48:11.715660+00:00'
    dependencies: null
    duration: '0:01:06.171034'
    external_dependencies: null
    http_etag: '"688413b0946912af2dffb13359dbe9e721a9397d-181ac05e4425dc0066f12f4c16b633b6c20d7c11"'
    pocket: Release
    resource_type_link: https://api.launchpad.net/devel/#build
    score: null
    self_link: https://api.launchpad.net/devel/~tuxinvader/+archive/ubuntu/my-random-ppa/+build/24511076
    source_package_name: linux-generic-5.19
    source_package_version: 5.19.12
    title: amd64 build of linux-generic-5.19 5.19.12 in ubuntu focal RELEASE
    upload_log_url: null
    web_link: https://launchpad.net/~tuxinvader/+archive/ubuntu/my-random-ppa/+build/24511076
  type: list