python_app – Manage NGINX Unit python application

Manage NGINX Unit python application configuration.

Upstream docs are at


- name: Create python 2 application
    name: demo
    version: "2"
    no_processes: 10
    working_directory: /www/store/
    path: /www/store/cart/
    home: /www/store/.virtualenv/
    module": wsgi
    user": www
    group": www

- name: Delete application
    name: demo
    state: absent


environment (optional)

Environment variables to be passed to the application.

type: dict
group (optional)

Group name that runs the app process. If not set, the user’s primary group is used.

type: str
home (optional)

Virtual environment to use. Absolute, or relative to working_directory.

type: path
limits (optional)

Set the application’s lifecycle parameters.

Upstream documentation is available at

type: dict
requests (optional)

Maximum number of requests Unit allows an app process to serve. If the limit is reached, the process is restarted; this helps to mitigate possible memory leaks or other cumulative issues.

type: int
timeout (optional)

Request timeout in seconds. If an app process exceeds this limit while handling a request, Unit alerts it to cancel the request and returns an HTTP error to the client.

type: int
module (optional)

WSGI module to run.

Required if state is present.

type: str
name (required)

Application name.

type: str
no_processes (optional)

Number of processes that should be running at one time.

Mutually exclusive with processes.

Upstream documentation is available at

type: int
path (optional)

Additional lookup path for Python modules; this string is inserted into sys.path.

type: str
processes (optional)

Dynamic process limits.

Mutually exclusive with no_processes.

Upstream documentation is available at

type: dict
idle_timeout (optional)

Time in seconds that Unit waits before terminating an idle process which exceeds spare.

type: int
max (optional)

Maximum number of application processes that Unit will maintain (busy and idle).

type: int
spare (optional)

Minimum number of idle processes that Unit tries to reserve for an app. When the app is started, spare idle processes are launched; Unit assigns incoming requests to existing idle processes, forking new idles to maintain the spare level if max allows. As processes complete requests and turn idle, Unit terminates extra ones after idle_timeout.

type: int
provider (optional)

Connection parameters.

type: dict
ca_path (optional)

Path to the CA bundle that should be used to validate the backend certificate.

If this parameter is not set, module will use the CA bundle that python is using.

Can also be set using the UNIT_CA_PATH environment variable.

type: path
endpoint (optional)

HTTP or UNIX uri that should be used to communicate with the Unit.

The uri MUST be prefixed by either http://, https://, or unix://.

By default, modules will try to connect to unix:///var/run/unit/control.sock, and if this socket does not exist, fallback to unix:///var/run/control.unit.sock.

Can also be set using the UNIT_ENDPOINT environment variable.

type: str
password (optional)

Password that is used when the endpoint is protected using the basic authentication.

This parameter is ignored when the enpoint parameter points to an unix socket.

Value is masked in the logs.

Can also be set using the UNIT_ENDPOINT environment variable.

type: str
username (optional)

Username that is used when the enpoint is protected using the basic authentication.

This parameter is ignored when the enpoint parameter points to an unix socket.

Can also be set using the UNIT_ENDPOINT environment variable.

type: str
verify (optional)

Flag that controls the certificate validation.

If you are using self-signed certificates, you can set this parameter to false.

ONLY USE THIS PARAMETER IN DEVELOPMENT SCENARIOS! In you use self-signed certificates in production, see the auth.ca_path parameter.

Can also be set using the UNIT_VERIFY environment variable.

type: bool
default: True
state (optional)

State of the manager resource.

type: str
default: present
choices: present, absent
user (optional)

Username that runs the app process. If not set, nobody is used.

type: str
version (optional)

Version of python module to use.

Use this module if you have more than one version of python module installed (eg. python 2 and python 3).

If this option is not set, unit will use the latest available module.

type: str
working_directory (optional)

The app’s working directory. If not set, the Unit daemon’s working directory is used.

type: path

Return Values

object (On success and if I(state) == C(present)), dict, )

Object representing NGINX Unit Python application.

name (always), str, )

Application name.

limits (if set), dict, )

Set the application’s lifecycle parameters.

timeout (), int, )

Request timeout in seconds.

requests (), int, )

Maximum number of requests Unit allows an app to serve.

no_processes (if set), int, )

Number of processes that should be running at one time.

processes (if set), dict, )

Dynamic process limits.

max (), int, )

Maximum number of application processes.

spare (), int, )

Minimum number of idle processes.

idle_timeout (), int, )

Time in seconds before terminating an idle process.

working_directory (if set), str, )

The app’s working directory.

user (if set), str, )

Username that runs the app process.

group (if set), str, )

Group name that runs the app process.

environment (if set), dict, )

Environment variables to be passed to the application.

module (always), str, )

WSGI module to run.

path (if set), str, )

Additional lookup path for Python modules.

home (if set), str, )

Virtual environment in use.