ec2_vpc_address – Manage EC2 VPC addresses

Allocate, associate or release an AWS EC2 VPC address (Elastic IP).


- name: Allocate a new VPC address without associating it
    state: allocated
  register: first_address

- name: Associate a previously allocated VPC address with a network interface
    ip: "{{ first_address.object.ip }}"
    network_interface: eni-0206c72e4ee240662
  register: first_address_associated

- name: Dissociate a VPC address
    ip: "{{ first_address_associated.object.ip }}"
    state: allocated
  register: first_address_dissociated

- name: Release a VPC address
    ip: "{{ first_address_dissociated.object.ip }}"
    state: absent

- name: Try to reclaim a previously released VPC address
    ip: "{{ first_address.object.ip }}"
    network_interface: eni-0206c72e4ee240662
  register: reclaimed_address

- name: Allocate & associate a new VPC address with a network interface
    network_interface: eni-04f3354b9b75ec51d
  register: another_address

- name: Re-associate an existing VPC address with the primary
        network interface of an instance
    ip: "{{ another_address.object.ip }}"
    instance: i-0c79884ded545df1a

- name: Release an associated VPC address
    ip: "{{ another_address.object.ip }}"
    state: absent

See Also


auth (optional)

Parameters for authenticating with the AWS service. Each of them may be defined via environment variables.

type: dict
access_key (optional)

The AWS access key ID. If not set, the value of the AWS_ACCESS_KEY environment variable will be checked.

Mutually exclusive with profile.

type: str
profile (optional)

The name of the AWS profile configured with aws configure.

Can be used instead of explicitly specifying your access credentials and region.

Use default to use the default profile.

Mutually exclusive with access_key and secret_key.

type: str
region (optional)

The name of the AWS region.

If not set, the value of the AWS_REGION environment variable will be checked.

If you set a profile that specifies a default region, that region is used and you can omit this parameter. Use this parameter to override the profile’s default region.

type: str
secret_key (optional)

The AWS secret access key. If not set, the value of the AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable will be checked.

Mutually exclusive with profile.

type: str
url (optional)

The URL to the AWS service related to the resource. By default, this is automatically determined through the region parameter.

If not set explicitly, the value of the AWS_<SERVICE>_URL environment variable will be used.

The services currently supported are EC2 and S3.

type: str
clear_tags (optional)

Whether to clear any existing tags on the resource that are not explicitly stated in tags.

By default, existing tags are kept on the resource.

When this parameter is set to true, any pre-existing tags on the resource are removed.

type: bool
instance (optional)

ID of the instance whose primary network interface the VPC address will be associated with.

The value of this parameter is only relevant when state is associated.

Exactly one of instance, network_interface is required.

When updating an existing VPC address that is already associated, the module will perform re-association.

type: str
ip (optional)

The public (Elastic) IP address.

You can use this parameter to uniquely identify the VPC address.

If state is present and the VPC address with the specified public IP does not exist, the module will attempt to reclaim the specified public IP.

type: str
network_interface (optional)

ID of the network interface to associate the VPC address with.

VPC address will be associated with the primary private IP of the specified network interface.

The value of this parameter is only relevant when state is associated.

Exactly one of network_interface, instance is required.

When updating an existing VPC address that is already associated, the module will perform re-association.

type: str
state (optional)

The desired state of the VPC address.

state associated if not already, it will allocate address, and associated it with instance or network interface.

If state is allocated, the VPC address will be allocated or if already associated with an instance it will be disassociated, but not released.

If state is absent, the VPC address will be automatically disassociated from the network interface or instance, if necessary.

type: str
default: associated
choices: associated, allocated, absent
tags (optional)

Metadata for the AWS resource as key/value pairs.

Keys and values are case-sensitive.

type: dict

Return Values

object (success and I(state=present)), complex,

An object representing an EC2 VPC address.

ip (always), str,

The Elastic IP address.

allocation_id (always), str, eipalloc-04bed816a62ae64b1

Allocation ID of the VPC address.

network_interface (always), str, eni-0a6d3406ea74e7bab

ID of the network interface VPC address is associated with.

instance (always), str, i-0c79884ded545df1a, None

ID of the instance to which the network interface associated with the VPC address is attached (if any).

tags (always), dict, {‘Name’: ‘my-vpc-address’}

Tags associated with the VPC address.