s3_object_info – List S3 objects

Retrieve information about AWS S3 objects.


- name: List all objects in all buckets accessible to us
  register: result

- debug:
    var: result.objects

- name: List all objects in specific bucket
    bucket: steamybucket
  register: result

- debug:
    var: result.objects

- name: List objects with specified keys, regardless of the bucket they are in
      - xobject
      - lobject
      - aobject
      - bobject
  register: result

- debug:
    var: result.objects

- name: Display specific objects in a specific bucket
    bucket: steamybucket
      - xobject
      - lobject
  register: result

- debug:
    var: result.objects

See Also


auth (optional)

Parameters for authenticating with the AWS service. Each of them may be defined via environment variables.

type: dict
access_key (optional)

The AWS access key ID. If not set, the value of the AWS_ACCESS_KEY environment variable will be checked.

Mutually exclusive with profile.

type: str
profile (optional)

The name of the AWS profile configured with aws configure.

Can be used instead of explicitly specifying your access credentials and region.

Use default to use the default profile.

Mutually exclusive with access_key and secret_key.

type: str
region (optional)

The name of the AWS region.

If not set, the value of the AWS_REGION environment variable will be checked.

If you set a profile that specifies a default region, that region is used and you can omit this parameter. Use this parameter to override the profile’s default region.

type: str
secret_key (optional)

The AWS secret access key. If not set, the value of the AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable will be checked.

Mutually exclusive with profile.

type: str
url (optional)

The URL to the AWS service related to the resource. By default, this is automatically determined through the region parameter.

If not set explicitly, the value of the AWS_<SERVICE>_URL environment variable will be used.

The services currently supported are EC2 and S3.

type: str
bucket (optional)

Limit results to the specified S3 Bucket only

type: str
keys (optional)

Limit results to the specified objects only

type: list

Return Values

objects (success), list,

List of S3 objects

bucket (always), str, steamybucket

Name of S3 Bucket.

key (always), str, file.txt

The S3 object’s key name.

size (always), str, 433937

Size of the object’s content in bytes.

last_modified (always), str, 2020-06-24T11:50:15+00:00

Date and time of the S3 object’s last modification.

storage_class (always), str, standard

The storage class of the S3 object.

etag (always), str, 54292ef8bb5854ef3f9d32df302ed245

The entity tag (an MD5 hash) of the S3 object’s contents.

metadata (always), dict, {‘foo’: ‘bar’}

User-defined metadata of the S3 object.

tags (always), dict, {‘App’: ‘test-app’}

Tags associated with the S3 object.

owner (always), dict, {‘name’: ‘xlab’, ‘id’: ‘ff686298db457b3ac7’}

The owner of the S3 object.